Black Athena: bibliographical materials V

by Wim van Binsbergen

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VAN BINSBERGEN W. M. J. (ed.), 1996-1997, Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp, Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, numero special de Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vol. 28-29.

Adeboyo, D., 1987, Weekend Voice, Spring.

Ahl, F., and Hannah Roisman, 1996, The Odyssey Re-Formed, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, esp. pp. 17-23.

Albright, W. F., 1950, ‘Some Oriental glosses on the Homeric problem, American Journal of Archaeology 54: 160—76; p. 165

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa (A.S.N.S.P.) 1984, s. III, p. 14 (1984), theme issue on K.O. Müller

Anonymous , 1991, [Review of Black Athena II], Antiquity, 65.249 (12/1991) p. 981.

Armour, J.A.L., Anttinen, T., May, C.A., Vega, E.E., Sagantila, A, Kidd, J.R., Kidd, K.K., Bertranpetit, J., Paabo, S., and Jeffries, A.J., ‘Mini Satellite Diversity supports a recent African origin for modern humans’, Nature Genetics, 13, 1996: 154-160.

Armour, J.A.L., Anttinen, T., May, C.A., Vega, E.E., Sagantila, A, Kidd, J.R., Kidd, K.K., Bertranpetit, J., Paabo, S., and Jeffries, A.J., 1996, ‘Mini Satellite Diversity supports a recent African origin for modern humans’, Nature Genetics, 13, 1996: 154-160.

Assmann, W., ‘Diskussionen’, in: Anfänge politischen Denkens in der Antike: Die nah-östlichen Kulturen und die Griechen, ed. Kurt Raaflaub, München: Oldenbourg, 1993,

Astour, M.C., Hellenosemitica: An ethnic and cultural study in West Semitic impact on Mycenaean Greece, rev. ed. Leiden: Brill, 1967.

Aufrère, S. , L’univers minéral dans la pensée égyptienne (Le Caire, Institut français d’Archéologie orientale, 1991), pp. 521-537, esp. p. 523.

Aune, J., 1993, Review of Black Athena II, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 79: 119-22.

Aura Jorro, F., Diccionario micénico I (Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Filología, 1985), p. 112.

Bachofen, J.J., 1967, Gesammelte Werke, vol. 10, Briefe, ed. F. Husner (Basel, Benno Schwab & Co., 1967) pp. 8-10

Bass, G., 1989, ‘Responses’, in: Myerowitz Levine, M., & J. Peradotto, eds., The challenge of Black Athena, Arethusa special Issue, (Fall 1989): 111-114.

Bass, George, 1989, ‘Responses’, in: Arethusa: The Challenge of ‘Black Athena’ (Fall 1989): 111-113.

Beddoes, T., ‘A Memorial concerning the state of the Bodleian Library... by the Chemical Reader’

Begley, S., Chideya, F., and Wilson, L., 1991, (23/9/91 Newsweek pp. 49-50 ‘Out of Egypt Greece’,

Begley, S., Farai Chideya and Larry Wilson, 1991, ‘Out of Egypt Greece’, Newsweek, 23/9/1991, pp. 49-50.

Beiser, F.C., 1987, The fate of reason. German philosophy from Kant to Fichte (Cambridge, Mass./ London, Harvard UP, 1987)

Bender L., 1975, Omotic: A New Afroasiatic Language Family, Carbondale: University Museum Studies. p. 221.

Bender, M.L., 1975, Omotic: A New Afroasiatic Language Family, Carbondale: University Museum Studies.

Bernal, J.D., Science in history (London, Watts, 1965 (3).

Bernal, J.D., The social function of science (London, Routledge, 1939

Bernal, M., 1985, ‘Black Athena: The African and Levantine Roots of Greece,’ in: African Presence in Early Europe, ed. Ivan Van Sertima, special issue of the Journal of African Civilizations November 1985 (vol. 7, no. 2: 66-82; New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books.

Bernal, M., 1986, ‘Black Athena denied: the tyranny of Germany Over Greece and the rejection of the Afroasiatic roots of Europe: 1780-1980, Comparative Criticism, 8: 3, 1986: 1-69.

Bernal, M., 1986, ‘Black Athena denied: The tyranny of Germany Over Greece and the rejection of the Afroasiatic roots of Europe: 1780-1980’, Comparative Criticism, 8, 3: 1-69.

Bernal, M., 1989, ‘Black Athena and the APA’, Arethusa, 1989,: 17-38

Bernal, M., 1989, ‘Black Athena and the APA’, Arethusa, 22: 17-38, p. 18.

Bernal, M., 1989, ‘First By Land, Then by Sea: Thoughts about the Social Formation of the Mediterranean and Greece’ pp. 3-33 in: E.D. Genovese and L. Hochberg eds., Geographic Perspectives in History: Essays in Honor of Edward Whiting Fox, Oxford: Blackwell.

Bernal M., 1989, ‘First by land, then by sea: Thoughts about the social formation of the Mediterranean and Greece’ pp. 3-33 in: E.D. Genovese and L. Hochberg, eds., Geographic perspectives in history: Essays in honour of Edward Whiting Fox, Oxford: Blackwell.

Bernal, M., 1990, Cadmean letters: The transmission of the alphabet to the Aegean and further west before 1400 B.C., Winona Lake (Ind.): Eisenbrauns.

Bernal, M.,1990, ‘Responses to critical reviews of Black Athena, volume I’, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 3 (1990), pp. 111-137, esp. pp. 120-121).

Bernal, M., 1993, ‘Phoenician politics and Egyptian justice in Ancient Greece’, in: Raaflaub, K., ed., Anfänge politischen Denkens in der Antike: Die nah-östlichen Kulturen und die Griechen, Munich: Oldenbourg, pp. 241-61.

Bernal, M., 1996, Review of Not out of Africa, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Internet journal.

Bernal, M., 1997, ‘Responses to Black Athena: General and linguistic issues’ (this volume), a greatly expanded and revised version.

Bernal, M., 1997, ‘Responses to Black Athena: General and linguistic issues’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue, Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-97, pp. 65-98

Bernal, M. ‘Responses’, in: Arethusa: The challenge of ‘Black Athena’ (Fall 1989): 111-113.

Bernal, M., forthcoming, Black Athena writes back, Duke University Press, forthcoming.

Berry, A.C., & Berry, R.J., 1972, ‘Origins and Relationships of the Ancient Egyptians, Based on the Study of Non-Metrical Variations in the Skull’, Journal of Human Evolution, 1, 1972: 199-206; p.203.

Best, J., 1997, ‘The ancient toponyms of Mallia: A post-Eurocentric reading of Egyptianising Bronze Age documents’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue, Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-97, pp. 99-129.

Best, J., 1997, The Luwian branch of Cretan writing - Publications of the Holland Travelling University 3 (Najade Press, Amsterdam 1997), pp. 4-10.

Best, J.G.P., 1982, ‘Von Piktographisch zu Linear B: Beiträge zur Linear-A-Forschung’, in: Talanta, Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum (1982),

Best, J.G.P., [ ca. 1982? ] ‘Von Piktographisch zu Linear B’, pp. 38-40

Best, J.G.P., & Woudhuizen, F., 1988, eds., Ancient scripts from Crete and Cyprus, Leiden: Brill, p. 57, n. 5.

Bezzenberger, A., 1883, ‘Aus einem Brief des Herrn Dr. Adolf Erman’, Beiträge zur Kunde der Indogermanischen Sprachen, 7 (1883): 96.

Bierbrier, M.L., Who was who in Egyptology (London, Egypt Exploration Society, 19953), pp. 160-162.

Bietak, M., 1995, (ed.), Trade, power and cultural exchange: Hyksos Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean world 1800-1500 B.C. (Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1995, Ägypten und Levante 5 (1995) .

Bikai, P., 1989, ‘Responses’, in: M. Myerowitz Levine & J. Peradotto, eds., The challenge of Black Athena, Arethusa special Issue, (Fall 1989): 111-114.

Bikai, P., 1990, ‘Black Athena and the Phoenicians,’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 3, 1(June): 67-76.

Bikai, P. 1990. ‘Black Athena and the Phoenicians,’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 3.1.(June): 67-76.

Blench, R., 1993, ‘Recent developments in language classification and their implications for prehistory,’ in: Shaw, T., Sinclair, P., Andah, B., and Okupo, T., eds., The archaeology of Africa, New York: Routledge, pp. 126-137.

Blok, J.H., 1994, ‘Quests for a scientific mythology: F. Creuzer and K.O. Müller on history and myth,’ Proof and Persuasion in History, ed. A. Grafton and S. Marchand [History and Theory, Theme Issue 33.1994], pp. 26-52.

Blok, J.H., 1997, ‘Proof and persuasion in Black Athena I: The case of K.O. Müller’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue, Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-97, pp. 173-208.

Blok, J.H., 1998, ‘ ‘‘Romantische Poesie, Naturphilosophie, Construktion der Geschichte’’: K.O. Müller’s understanding of history and myth’, in: Zwischen Rationalität und Romantik: Karl Otfriend Müller und die antike Kultur, Calder, III, W.M., & Schlesier, R., with Gödde, S., eds., Berlin [ check ] : Weidmann

Bollack, M., and H. Wismann, 1983, eds., Philologie und Hermeneutik im 19. Jahrhundert, vol. II, ed. M. Bollack and H. Wismann (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1983, but once quoted 1984).

Bowersock, G. 1989. Review of BA I. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 19: 490-91

Bowersock, G., 1989, Review of Black Athena I, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 19: 490-91.

Bowersock, G., 1996, ‘Rescuing the Greeks’ [Review of Black Athena revisited], New York Times Book Review, 25/2/1996, p. 6.

Bowersock, G.W., 1989, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 19: 490-91.

Brace, C.L., 1996, Brace, C. L., D. P. Tracer, L. A. Yaroch, J. Robb, K. Brandt, and A. R. Nelson. 1996. "Clines and Clusters versus 'Race': A Test in Ancient Egypt and the Case of a Death on the Nile." in: M.R. Lefkowitz & G. MacLean Rogers, eds., 1996, Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 129-164,

Brace, C.L., 1996, Brace, C. L., D. P. Tracer, L. A. Yaroch, J. Robb, K. Brandt, and A. R. Nelson, 1996, ‘Clines and clusters versus 'race': A test in Ancient Egypt and the case of a death on the Nile’, in: Lefkowitz & MacLean Rogers, o.c., pp. 129-164

Branigan, K., Aegean metalwork of the Early and Middle Bronze Age (Oxford University Press, Oxford 1974),

Branigan, K., The foundations of palatial Crete (London, Cambridge University Press, 1970).

Brice, W.C., Inscriptions in the Minoan Linear Script of Class A (Oxford University Press, Oxford 1961), p. 4, Syntax (III).

Brown, M. H., The Search for Eve, New York: Harper and Row, 1990

Brown, M. H., The search for Eve, New York: Harper and Row, 1990.

Brunsch, W., 1978, ‘Untersuchungen zu den griechischen Wiedergaben ägyptischer Personennamen’, Enchoria 8/1 (1978), pp. 1-142, esp. p. 93.

Burkert, W., 1980, ‘Griechische Mythologie und die Geistesgeschichte der Moderne,’ Les études classiques aux XIXe et XXe siècles: Leur place dans l’histoire des idées, ed. O. Reverdin, B. Grange [Fondation Hardt, 26] (Geneva, Vandoeuvres, 1980) pp. 159-207, 162-163.

Burkert, W., 1985, Greek Religion, J. Raffan trans. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; and Oxford: Blackwell.

Burkert, W., 1985, Greek Religion, J. Raffan trans. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Burkert, W., 1987, Ancient Mystery Cults, Cambridge Mass. and London: Harvard University Press; German: Burkert, W., 1994, Antike Mysterien, München: Beck, 3rd imp.

Burkert, W., 1992, The orientalizing revolution: Near Eastern Influence on Greek culture in the early archaic age, Cambridge, Mass. and London, Harvard University Press, 1992, p. 40.

Burkert, W., 1992, The orientalizing revolution: Near Eastern influence on Greek culture in the Early Archaic Age, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, first published 1984, p. 35.

Burkert, W., Greek Religion, trans. John Raffan, Cambridge Mass. 1985, p. 143.

Burstein, S., 1993, Review of Black Athena II, Classical Philology, 88, 2: 157-62.

Calder III, W.M., H. Flashar, R. Schlesier, eds., K.O. Müller Reconsidered, ed. (Urbana, Illinois Classical Studies) forthcoming.

Cassimatis, H., ‘Athena (in Aegypto)’, in: Lexicon iconographicum mythologiae classicae II (Zürich and München, Artemis, 1984), pp. 1044-1048.

Celenko, T., 1996, ed., Egypt in Africa, Indianapolis: Indianapolis Museum of Art in cooperation with Indiana University Press.

Chadwick, J., 1970, ‘The ‘‘Greekness’’ of Linear B’, Indogermanische Forschungen 75 (1970), p. 104.

Chadwick, J., Mycenaean Glossary, in: Ventris & Chadwick, pp. 527-94.

Champollion le Jeune, M., 1822, Lettre à M. Dacier relative à l’alphabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques employés par les Egyptiens pour inscrire sur leurs monuments les titres, les noms et les surnoms des souverains Grecs et Romains, Paris

Champollion le Jeune, M., 1824, Précis du système hiéroglyphique des anciens Egyptiens ou Recherches sus les élémens premiers de cette écriture sacrée, sur leurs diverses combinaisons, et sur leurs rapports de ce système avec les autres méthodes graphiques Egyptiennes, Paris

Chantraine, P., 1928, ‘Sur la vocabulaire maritime des Grecs’ pp. 1-25 in: [ editor ] Etrennes de linguistique: offertes par quelques amis à Emile Benveniste, Paris: Geuthner, 1928.

Chantraine, P., 1928, ‘Sur la vocabulaire maritime des Grecs’ pp. 1-25 in: [A. Meillet, preface] , Étrennes de linguistique: offertes par quelques amis à Émile Benveniste, Paris: Geuthner, 1928).

Chantraine, P., 1966, ‘Grec glauko‰i Glau~koi et mycénien ‘‘karauko’’ ’, in: Mélanges d’archéologie, d’épigraphie et d’histoire offerts à Jérome Carcopino, Paris: Hachette, 1966;

Chantraine, P., 1968-75, Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque, 4 vols., Paris: Klincksieck.

Chantraine, P. , Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque: Histoire des mots III (Paris, Klincksieck, 1974), p. 858.

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Chapouthier, F., 1930, Les écritures minoennes au palais de Mallia, Études Crétoises II (Paris: Geuthner, 1930), p. 2 (Fig. 2).

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Clarysse, W., and J. Quaegebeur, 1982, ‘Ibion, Isieion and Tharesieion in two Oslo papyri’, Symbolae Osloenses 57 (1982), pp. 69-85, esp. p. 79. This expression designates the funerary temple of the high priest of Amun commonly called Nebwenenef by Egyptologists.

Cline, E., 1996, [ review of Black Athena revisited in the American Journal of Archaeology, 10/96: 781-782.

Cline, E.H., Sailing the wine-dark sea: International trade and the Late Bronze Aegean (Oxford, Tempus Reparatum, 1994), p. 128.

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Coe, M.D., Breaking the Maya Code, London: Thames and Hudson, 1992, p. 153.

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Creuzer, 1810-1812, Symbolik is mentioned in the first edition (1810-1812) only, although Müller responded to the second, revised edition of 1819-1820.

Crowley, T., An introduction to historical linguistics (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992).

Culler, J., 1981, ‘Presuppositions and intertextuality’, in his The pursuit of signs: Semiotics, literature, deconstruction, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, pp. 100-119.

d’Ansse de Villoison, J.B.G. , 1788, Homeri Ilias ad veteris codicis Veneti fidem recensita, (Venice, Coletus, 1788). [ Notably the edition of the A-scholia to the Iliad, ]

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de Vries, N.M.W., 1982, ‘The central sanctuaries at Mallia and Megiddo’, in Interaction and acculturation in the Mediterranean I Mediterranean pre- and protohistory (Amsterdam, 19-23 November 1980), Jan G.P. Best & Nanny M.W. de Vries (eds.), Publications of the Henri Frankfort Foundation 6 (B.R. Grüner, Amsterdam, 1982), pp. 125-34.

de Vries, N.M.W., Met de Kretensische lineairschriften (lineair A en B) verwante lineairschriften in het Nabije Oosten, 1974, unpublished MS.

Demoz, A., 1978 ‘Ethiopian Origins: A Survey’, Abbay: Documents pour servir à l’histoire de la civilisation éthiopienne, ed. J. Chavallan, Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique. pp. 11-14.

Demoz, A. 1978 ‘Ethiopian Origins: A Survey,’ Abbay: Documents pour servir à l’histoire de la civilisation éthiopienne, ed. J. Chavallan, Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique. pp. 11-14.

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Detournay, B., Jean-Claude Poursat & Frieda Vandenabeele, Fouilles exécutées à Mallia, Le Quartier Mu II, Études Crétoises XXVI (Paris: Geuthner, 1980), p. 176 (Fig. 245, erroneously mounted upside down).

Diakonoff, I.M., 1965, Semito-Hamitic languages, Moscow: Nauka.

Diakonoff, I. M., 1965, Semito-Hamitic Languages, Moscow: Nauka p. 10, n. 1.

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Diodorus Siculus I Books I-II, 34. trans. C.H. Oldfather, Loeb, [ place ] 1968, p.45.)

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Diop, C.A., 1974, The African origin of civilization: Myth or reality, Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill.

Diop, C. A., 1977, Parenté génétique de l’égyptien pharaonique et des langues négro-africaines, IFAN-NEA

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Diringer, D., 1996, The alphabet: A key to the history of mankind (Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, reprint of the 1947 British edition), p. 473.

Dolgopolsky, A.B., 1973, in Sravniteljno-istorivkaja Fonetika Kußitikix Jazykov. Moscow: Nauka 1973.

Dolgopolsky, A.B., 1973, Sravniteljno-istorivkaja Fonetika Kußitikix Jazykov. Moscow: Nauka.

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Donaldson, J.W., 1858, ‘Introduction’ in K.O. Müller, A history of the literature of Ancient Greece, (London, 1858) 3 vols..

Dow, S., 1971, ‘Literacy in Minoan and Mycenaean Lands’, part A of ‘The Linear Scripts and the Tablets as Historical Documents’, The Cambridge Ancient History fascicle 70 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1971), p. 3 [= vol. II, ch. XIII, p. 582].

Duhoux, Y., ‘Le linéaire A: Problèmes de déchiffrement’, in: Y. Duhoux, T.G. Palaima & J. Bennett, Problems in Decipherment (Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 1989), pp. 77-8.

Duodu, C., 1987, ‘The Road to Athens from Alexandria’, South (July) pp. 118-119.

Duodu, C., 1987, ‘The road to Athens from Alexandria’, South (July) pp. 118-119.

E. Dodwell in Greece, 1820.

Edwards, E., Kadmos the Phoenician: A study in Greek legends and the Mycenaean age (Amsterdam, Hakkert, 1979) pp. 64-114.

Egberts, A., 1996, ‘Hearts of stone: Temples and their inscriptions in Graeco-Roman Egypt’, Dutch Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, 2 (1996), pp. 27-42, esp. pp. 34-35.

Egberts, A., 1997, ‘Consonants in collision: Neith and Athena reconsidered’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, ed., Black Athena: Ten Years After, Hoofddorp: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, special issue, Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, vols 28-29, 1996-97, pp. 149-163

Ehret, C., 1995, Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic (Proto-Afrasian) Vowels, Tone, Consonants, and Vocabulary, Berkeley: University Press Linguistics vol. 126, 1995, pp. 1-2, n. 1.

Ehret, C., 1996, ‘Ancient Egyptian as an African Language, Egypt as an African Culture’ in T. Celenko, ed., Egypt in Africa, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996, pp. 25-27. [ check pages: only two??]

Ehret, E., 1995, Reconstructing proto-Afroasiatic(Proto-Afrasian) vowels, tone, consonants, and vocabulary, Berkeley: University Press Linguistics vol. 126, pp. 1-2, n. 1.

Ekwall, E., 1947, The concise Oxford dictionary of English place names, 3rd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1947.

El-Sayed, R., 1982, La Déesse Neith de Sais, 2. vols., Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie du Caire, Bibliothèque d’étude, 86

Emery, W.B., 1961, Archaic Egypt: Culture and Civilization in Egypt Five Thousand Years Ago, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961; ik bezit de Ned. vertaling, Het oudste Egypte, Utrecht/Antwerpen: Het Spectrum, 1963

Erlenmeyer, M.-L., & Hans Erlenmeyer, 1965, ‘Zu den kretischen Siegeln mit Hieroglyphenschrift’, Kadmos 4 (1965), pp. 1-4.

Erman, A., and Grapow, H., 1925-31, Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, 7 vols. Reprint. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1982. ] 5. p. 398.)

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F.A.G. Spohn, GGA 1825, pp. 1225-1230.

F. Jacoby, F., Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, Leiden: Brill, 1923-27, 103, F 39.

F. Pouqueville to Greece, 1821.

Fagan, B. M., 1990, The Journey for Eden: The Peopling of our World, London: Thames and Hudson. 1990.

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Farnell, L.R., 1977, The cults of the Greek states, 3 vols. in 5. reprinted New Rochelle: Caratzas Brothers, 1977, I, pp. 302-306).

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het is mogelijk dat deze publikatie zo niet bestaat

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