ISSN 1011-226


An African Journal of Philosophy

Revue Africaine de Philosophie


Quest can only survive and thrive if you send us your best articles as contributions/
Quest ne saura survivre et croitre que sur condition que vous nous envoyez vos meilleurs articles comme contributions

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IMPORTANT NOTICE (Dec. 2008): After some setbacks, by the end of 2008 we have finally been able to bring out as many as three new annual volumes of quest: 2006 (xx), 2007 (xxi) and 2008 (xxii). This brings the journal up to date again. Sanya osha edited a timely and fascinating special issue on african feminisms (xx – 2006) with a team of high-ranking contributors -- including some of the most prominent women intellectuals of Africa, and the prominent Nigerian philosopher Eze (♂). Wim van binsbergen edited a special issue on lines and rhizomes: the transcontinental element in african philosophies (xxi - 2007), as well as as a general volume xxii – 2008 under the title African philosophy and the negotiation of practical dilemmas of individual and collective life. We thank our authors, readers, publishers sending review copies, and subscription agents, for their patience and continued support of quest. As Editor, I also wish to thank my fellow members of the Editorial Team, Sanya Osha and Kirsten Seifikar, for their hard work and perseverance. As a sign of the continued resilience and quality of quest, I am pleased to announce that the prominent African / global philosopher Valentin Mudimbe, a regular contributor in recent years, has agreed to join our Advisory Editorial Board, to fill the place sadly vacated by the demise of the lamented Lolle Nauta; an obituary of the latter will appear in the imminent volume XXIII.

From among our readership, we look forward to submissions of papers for publication, and your subscriptions if you prefer the hard copies of our journal (full web access of all twenty-two annual volumes published continues to be free, world-wide); full sets of back copies are available in limited number. A new volume XXIII – 2009 is already on its way but it can use a few more contributions. Volume XXIII will be the last volume that is to have some institutional support from the African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands. The obvious next step is to find a permanent home for
quest in Africa; the Editor will welcome any viable suggestions on this point.

Please note that
quest  is now best approached by e-mail, or via the Editor’s mail address (click).  
                                                                                                                                                                           The Editor
article inidentifié / LOST AND FOUND: L'équipe éditorial QUEST a en main un article intitulé  'L'aménagement de l'espace dans La République [de Platon]' , sans nom d'auteur ni adresse de courriel électronique; nous prions l'auteur de s'identifier par courriel (cliquez sur lien), en presentant des épreuves de son droit d' auteur

Introduction (homepage)

Access the Internet volumes of Quest  / Accès aux volumes Internet de Quest

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Contact information / Adresses

Editorial team/ Équipe éditorial  

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Cumulative contents of Quest / Table de matières cumulative de Quest


Topicalities: Colloquium 'The transcultural framework for the construction of African knowledges' 23-3-04 / Actualités: Colloque 'Le cadre transculturel pour la construction des connaissances africaines' 23-3-2004

Other activities / Autres activités

Miscellaneous / Objets divers

Dossier Quest

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Volume II No. 1-2, 1988

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Issue / No. II : 1 (June 1988 Juin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS (UNDER CONSTRUCTION, including clickable links to all separate articles)


text of this entire issue (PDF)

cover (front) (PDF) (is included in the text of the entire issue)

cover (back) (PDF) (is included in the text of the entire issue)

click here to order back copies of this issue


Issue / No. II : 2 (December 1988 décembre)

TABLE OF CONTENTS (UNDER CONSTRUCTION, including clickable links to all separate articles)


text of this entire issue (PDF)

cover (front) (PDF) (is included in the text of the entire issue)

cover (back) (PDF) (is included in the text of the entire issue)

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Page last modified on 17-01-06.