Wim van Binsbergen's Ph.D. seminar

Since 1996, Wim van Binsbergen has operated a monthly seminar for his Ph.D. students, first in the context of the chair on Ethnicity and ideology in development, Free University, Amsterdam -- and now in the context of the chair on Foundations of intercultural philosophy, Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Meetings take place at the Philosophical Faculty building, Oostmaaslaan 950-952, Rotterdam (500 m west of the Woudenstein campus of the EUR -- streetcars 3 and 13, 'Woudenstein' stop).

For the remainder of the year 1999, the programme is as follows (when the title of the paper is formatted as a hyperlink, you may click for an electronic copy):

updated list as per 1.11.1999:

Tuesday 8 June 1999 Gerda Sengers Qur'anic healing and zar as complementary idioms of women's healing in contemporary Cairo, Egypt
Friday 9 July 1999 Ferdinand de Jong The politics of performance and identity in Southern Senegal
Monday 27 September 1999 Menno Sypkens-Smit Ecology and community transformation in Southern Senegal
Friday 22 October 1999 Thera Rasing On girl's initiation and Christian churches in urban Zambia
Friday 12 November 1999 Bart Duysens Identity and performance among Afrovenezuelans, Venezuela
Friday 10 December 1999 Elly Rijnierse Peasants and international relations in Benin

The seminar is open to observers/participants who are not Ph.D. students of Wim van Binsbergen.

Papers are discussed in advance in hard copy, or made available via Internet and/or e-mail .

For details concerning this seminar and its programming, contact Wim van Binsbergen's secretary, Mrs Mieke Zwart-Brouwer



page last modified: 28-02-02 09:19:57