Mail addresses (both ordinary and e-mail), Wim van Binsbergen


list of publications


Contact Wim van Binsbergen:

At the African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands:

Prof.dr van Binsbergen,
Theme group on Agency in Africa,
African Studies Centre,
P.O.Box 9555,
2300 RB Leiden,
The Netherlands:
tel. 00-31-71-5273372
fax: 00-31-71-5273344

At the Erasmus University Rotterdam

Prof.dr van Binsbergen,
chair of foundations of intercultural philosophy,
Philosophical Faculty,
Erasmus University Rotterdam,
P.O.Box 1738,
3000 DR Rotterdam,
The Netherlands

Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy

The Editor, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy
Prof.dr van Binsbergen
Philosophical Faculty,
Erasmus University Rotterdam,
P.O.Box 1738,
3000 DR Rotterdam,
The Netherlands

or e-mail directly to Quest, using

Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy
Prof.dr van Binsbergen, chair,
Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy,
Philosophical Faculty,
Erasmus University Rotterdam,
P.O.Box 1738,
3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands


list of publications


page last modified: 04-03-05 17:20:38