Open Africa Initiative


As part of JSTOR’s mission to create an archive of scholarly literature and extend access to the archive as broadly as possible, JSTOR has recently announced ( ) that it has adopted a plan to waive participation fees for any academic or not-for-profit institutions on the continent of Africa. This plan affects new participants, as well as institutions that currently participate in JSTOR.


Program highlights:

Access will be for the entire JSTOR archive, including all content added to the archive during the period of participation. Information about each collection may be found at Currently Available Collections and Journals.

Access to JSTOR is provided via the Internet, using IP addresses that are authorized at the institution to have that access. An institution must have stable IP addresses in order to participate in this program. JSTOR will not be offering password-based access to Open Africa participants.

Open Africa participants are required to take the JSTOR Network Performance Test prior to becoming participants so they are aware of any difficulties they may have in accessing the archive.

Current JSTOR participants will receive a pro-rated refund for any fees paid to JSTOR in 2006, with participation fees waived from that point forward. Annual Access Fees paid in 2006 will be refunded on a prorated basis from July 1, and Archive Capital Fees paid in 2006 will be refunded fully. Fees paid to JSTOR prior to 2006 will not be refunded.

JSTOR will be waiving the standard access fees (the Archive Capital Fee and the Annual Access Fee) to the archive to any institution from a country on the continent of Africa.

Participation fees will be waived for a minimum of three years, and will remain waived for as long as economic conditions in the institutions and within the country dictate, at which point JSTOR will evaluate whether conditions or circumstances have changed significantly enough to warrant a change in policy.

Participation Information:

Eligible Countries

Initiating Participation


For more information about JSTOR's Open Africa Initiative, please contact