In the press or submitted are the following articles
by Wim van Binsbergen
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NOTE. The more recent and major publications in this list of publications are available on the internet; in the near future this list will be provided with clickable links to these uploaded publications. The site visitor is requested to respect the author's copyright to these papers
updated: 4 September 2003
P.L., & van Binsbergen, W.M.J., submitted,
Introduction, in: Geschiere, P.L., & van
Binsbergen, W.M.J., Commodification: Things, agency, and
identities (Social Life of Things revisited), Durham: Duke
University Press
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press (2003),
Sangoma en filosoof: Eenheid in de praktijk, dilemma in de
theorie, in: Bulhof, I.N., Poorthuis, M., & Bhagwandin,
V., eds., Mijn plaats is geen plaats: Ontmoetingen tussen
wereldbeschouwingen, Kampen: Klement
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press,
Aspects of democracy and democratisation in Zambia and
Botswana: Exploring political culture at the grassroots,
in: Young, T., Politics in Africa, London: Currey
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press, Can
ICT belong in Africa, or is ICT owned by the North Atlantic
region?, in: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J. & Rijk van Dijk, in
press, eds., Situating globality: African Agency in the
Appropriation of Global Culture, ASC Yearbook 2003, Brill: Leiden
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press,
Challenges for the sociology of religion in the next fifty
years: The case of Africa, paper prepared for the 50th
Anniversary Conference, International Society for the Sociology
of Religion (ISSR), section prospects for the next 50
years, Turin (Italy), 24 July 2003; revised version
forthcoming in Social Compass.
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press,
Entrare al 3o millenio con Atena nera?. revision of:
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press, Italian journal Prometeo
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press, Grenzen
en wereldbeschouwingen: Waarom wereldburgerschap ook heden een
moeilijke opgave is, bijdrage aan het symposium
Wereldburger tussen culturen in conflict, ter
gelegenheid van het afscheid van Prof.dr U. Libbrecht van de
Stichting Filosofie Oost-West, Utrecht, 11 april 2003; ter perse
in: Bulhof, I., ed., Grenzen en wereldbeschouwingen,
Utrecht: Stichting Oost-West.
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press,
Islam as a constitutive factor in African
traditional religion, in:
Breedveld, A., van Santen, J., & van Binsbergen, W.M.J.,
eds., Islam and transformations in Africa, Leiden: Brill
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press, Sangoma
en filosoof: Eenheid in de praktijk, dilemma in de theorie,
in: Antenne (Belgisch tijdschrift voor filosofie),
themanummer over "Humanisme en spiritualiteit"
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press, The
translation of Southern African sangoma divination towards a
global format, and the validity of the knowledge it
produces, paper presented at the conference on
Wereldbeelden, wetenschappen en wij: Naar meer kritische,
verantwoorde en open wetenschappen, Centre Leo Apostel for
the Philosophy of Science, Free University, Brussels, 10 June,
2003; in press in: Aerts, D., & Note N., eds., Inclusive
science, Brussels: Centre Leo Apostel [with international
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in press,
With Black Athena into the Third millennium CE?, in:
F.-X. Fauvelle, J. Chrétien & C.-H. Perrot, Afrocentrisms,
Chapel Hill: North Carolina University Press (American edition)
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., Jan-Bart Gewald,
& Rijk van Dijk, in press, Situating globality: African
Agency in the Appropriation of Global Culture
Introduction, in Van Binsbergen, W.M.J. & Rijk van
Dijk, in press, eds., Situating globality: African Agency
in the Appropriation of Global Culture, ASC Yearbook 2003, Brill:
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., submitted, We are in this for the
money: Commodification and the sangoma cult of Southern
Africa, in: Geschiere, P.L., & van Binsbergen, W.M.J.,
Commodification: Things, agency, and identities (Social
Life of Things revisited), Durham: Duke University Press
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., submitted,
We are in this for the money: Commodification
and the sangoma cult of Southern Africa, in: Geschiere,
P.L., & van Binsbergen, W.M.J., Commodification: Things,
agency, and identities (Social Life of Things revisited),
Durham: Duke University Press
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., submitted,
The leopard and the lion: An exploration of Nostratic and
Bantu lexical continuity in the light of Kammerzells
hypothesis, article (26 pp.) submitted to the journal Marges
linguistiques, voorjaar 2003
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., submitted,
The underpinning of scientific knowledge systems:
Epistemology or hegemonic power? The implications of Sandra
Hardings critique of North Atlantic science for the appreciation
of African knowledge systems, paper presented at the
Colloquium La rencontre des rationalités, organised
by the African Centre for Advanced Studies, the International
Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (CIPSH) and UNESCO,
Porto Novo, Benin, September 18-21, 2002; submitted to the
journal Logic and Philosophy of Science (L & PS)
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ter perse,
An incomprehensible miracle: Central
African clerical intellectualism and African historic religion: A
close reading of Valentin Mudimbes Tales of Faith,
in: Kresse, K., ed., Reading Mudimbe, special issue of the
Journal of African Cultural Studies, 2003.
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