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Specific bibliography of the Nkoya people, language, history and culture

compiled by Tatashikanda (Prof. Wim van Binsbergen); provisional version

ADM/12, Chiefs and headmen, current files of the Kaoma district administration

Anonymous [J.M. Shimunika], n.d., ‘Dictionary Shinkoya-English’, typescript, author’s collection.

Anonymous [J.M. Shimunika], n.d., Muhumpu wa byambo bya mwaka - Nkoya, s.l. [Luampa, Mankoya]: s.n. [South African General Mission]

Anonymous, n.d., Lumuni mu muncimpwe: Libuka lyawubili, no place [ Luampa? ] : no publisher [ South Africa General Mission? ]

Anonymous, n.d., Mwa kufundishila: Sha kufundisha na kupana wunganda, no place [ Luampa? ] : no publisher [ South Africa General Mission? ]

Anonymous, n.d., n.p. [ Luampa Mission ] , ‘Nkoya grammar’, typescript in my possession.

ANT/2, National Monuments, current files of the Kaoma district administration

Bailey, A.W., 1913, ‘A year on the Lalafuta river’, SAGM [South Africa General Mission]-Pioneer, 36: 185-186.

Bailey, A.W., 1914, ‘Northern Rhodesia: A letter from Mr. Bailey’, SAGM [South Africa General Mission]-Pioneer, 37: 151-152.

Baumann, H., 1935, Lunda: Bei Bauern und Jägern in Inner-Angola, Berlin: Würfel

Bertrand, A., 1897, ‘From the Machili to Lialui’, Geographical Journal, 9, 2: 145-149.

Brelsford, W.V., 1935, ‘History and customs of the Basala’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 65: 205-215.

Brelsford, W.V., 1965, The tribes of Zambia, Lusaka: Government Printer, second edition.

Brown, E.D., 1984, ‘Drums of life: Royal music and social life in Western Zambia’, Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, School of Music; University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

BS 1/93 , Reports on the Gielgud-Anderson Hook of the Kafue expedition, Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

Bustin, E., 1975, Lunda under Belgian rule: The politics of ethnicity, Cambridge (Mass.)/London: Harvard University Press.

Capello, H., zzz& Ivens, R., 1881, De Benguella ás terras de Iácca: Descripção de uma viagem na Àfrica Central e Occidental, Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 2 vols.

Capello, H., zzz& Ivens, R., 1886, De Angola á contra-costa: Descripção de uma viagem atravez do continente Africano comprehendendo narrativas diversas, aventuras e importantes descobertas entre as quaes figuram a des origens do Lualaba, caminho entre as duas costas, visita ás terras da Garanganja, Katanga e ao curso do Luapula, bem como a descida do Zambeze, do Choa oa Oceano, Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 2 vols.

Caplan, G., 1970, The elites of Barotseland 1878-1969, London: Hurst.

Chibanza, S.J., 1961, ‘Kaonde history’, in: Apthorpe 1961: 41-114.

Chipela, Cuthbert, 1974, ‘Mwangana Samuzimu Mweningambo of Luchazi: Senior Chief Samuzimu Mweningambo of the Luchazi people’, in: Jaeger 1974, appendix dated ‘Kasempa, June 1976 [sic]’, 4 unnumbered pages.

Clarence-Smith, G., 1979, ‘Slaves, commoners and landlords in Bulozi, c. 1875 to 1906’, Journal of African History, 20: 219-34.

Clark, J.D., 1950, ‘A note on the pre-Bantu inhabitants of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland’, Northern Rhodesia Journal, 2: 42-52.

Clay, G.C.R., 1945, History of the Mankoya district, Livingstone: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Communication no. 4, ‘re-roneod’ [sic] 1955.

Clay, G.C.R., 1968, ‘Your friend, Lewanika, Litunga of Barotseland,’ 1842-1916, Robins Series no. 7, London: Chatto zzz& Windus.

CO 3/4/2, Copeman papers, in HM 6, Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

Coillard, F., 1971, On the threshold of Central Africa, London: Cass, 3rd edition.

Colson, E., 1964, ‘The little people of Rhodesia’, Northern Rhodesia Journal, 5, 6: 567-8.

Colson, E., 1970, The assimilation of aliens among the Zambian Tonga’, in: Cohen, R., zzz& J. Middleton, eds., 1970, From tribe to nation in Africa: Studies in incorporation processes, Pennsylvania: Chandler, pp. 35-54.

Colson, E., 1971, ‘African society at the time of the Scramble’, in: Turner, V.W., ed., Profiles of change (Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960, III), algemene redactie Gann, L., zzz& Duignan, P., Cambridge University Press, 1971,  [ add pages ]

Colson, E., zzz& Gluckman, H.M., 1968, ed., Seven tribes of Central Africa, Manchester: Manchester University Press, herdruk, earlier impr. 1951, 1958, 1959

Cunnison, I.G., 1956, ‘Perpetual kinship: A political institution of the Luapula peoples’, Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, 20: 28-48.

Cunnison, I.G., 1967, The Luapula peoples, Manchester: Manchester University Press; reprint of the 1959 first edition.

Davies, D. H., 1971, ed., Zambia in maps, University of Londen Press [ check:  London: Athlone Press. ]

Derricourt, R.M., 1985, Man on the Kafue: The archaeology and history of the Itezhitezhi area of Zambia, London: Ethnographica.

Derricourt, R.M., zzz& R.J. Papstein, 1977, ‘Lukolwe and the Mbwela of North-Western Zambia’, Azania, 11: 169-175.

Director, 1964, Director, Federal Department of Trigonometrical and Topographical Surveys, Rhodesia and Nyasaland, ‘Map showing routes of the early European travellers in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland’, Salisbury: Federal Government Printer, Federal Atlas no. 18.

Douglas, M., 1964, ‘Matriliny and pawnship in Central Africa’, Africa, 24: 301-13.

Edme, Philibert, 1944, ‘Nkoya Kalambwa histoire d’un indigène de la région au sud du lac Bangweolo’, Africa, 14, 3 [ July 1946? ] [ Elizabethville: Etudes congolaises? ]

Fielder, R.J., 1979, ‘Economic spheres in pre- and post-colonial Ila society’, African Social Research, 28: 617-641.

Fields, K.E., 1985, Revival and rebellion in colonial Central Africa, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Flint, E., 1970, ‘Trade and politics in Barotseland during the Kololo period’, Journal of African History, 11: 71-86.

Fortune, G., 1959, A Preliminary Survey of the Bantu Languages of the Federation, Lusaka: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Rhodes-Livingstone Communication no. 14.

Fortune, G., 1963, ‘A note on the languages of Barotseland’, in: Proceedings of Conference on the History of Central African Peoples, Lusaka: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute.

Fourché, A.T., zzz& H. Morlighem, 1939, Les communications des indigènes de la vallée du Kasaï avec les âmes des morts, Bruxelles: Institut Royal Colonial Belge.

Frankenberg, R., 1978, ‘Anthropology or political economy: The Barotse social formation’, in: J. Clammer (ed.), The new economic anthropology, London: Macmillan, pp. 31-60.

Fraser, Lady Antonia, The Warrior Queens

Frobenius, L., 1931, Erythräa: Länder und Zeiten des heiligen Königsmordes, Berlin/Zürich: Atlantis-Verlag.

Gann, L.H., 1958, The birth of a plural society, 1894-1914, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Gann, L.H., 1964, A history of Northern Rhodesia, London: Chatto zzz& Windus.

Gibbons, A. St. Hill, 1897, ‘A journey in the Marotse and Mashikolumbwe countries’, Geographical Journal, 9, 2: 121-143.

Givon, T., 1971, The Si-Luyana language, Lusaka: Institute for African Studies, Communication no. 6.

Gluckman, H.M., 1943, Organisation of the Barotse native authorities: With a plan for reforming them, Lusaka: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Communication no. 1.

Gluckman, H.M., 1949, ‘The role of the sexes in Wiko circumcision ceremonies’, in: M. Fortes (ed.), Social structure, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 145-67.

Gluckman, H.M., 1951, ‘The Lozi of Barotseland, N.W. Rhodesia’, in: Colson, E., zzz& Gluckman, H.M., ed., Seven tribes of British Central Africa, Oxford University Press for Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, pp. 1-93.

Gluckman, H.M., 1955, ‘The peace in the feud’, in: Gluckman, H.M., Custom and conflict in Africa, Oxford: Blackwell, ch. I, pp. 1-26.

Gluckman, H.M., 1967, The judicial process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2nd edition.

Gluckman, H.M., 1968, Economy of the Central Barotse Plain, Manchester University Press, Rhodes-Livingstone Paper No. 7, reprint of the 1941 edition.

Gluckman, H.M., 1968, Essays on Lozi land and royal property, Manchester: Manchester University Press, Rhodes-Livingstone Papers no. 10, herdruk van de oorspronkelijke uitgave van 1953 [ check 1943 ] .

Gluckman, H.M., 1970, ‘Kinship and marriage among the Lozi of Northern Rhodesia and the Zulu of Natal’, in: Radcliffe-Brown, A.R., zzz& Forde, D., ed., African Systems of Kinship and Marriage, Londen: Oxford University Press, pp. 166-206; herdruk, eerste druk 1950.

Gluckman, H.M., 1971, ‘Tribalism, ruralism and urbanism in South and Central Africa’, in: Turner, V.W., ed., Profiles of change: Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960, part III, general editors Gann, L., zzz& Duignan, P., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 127-166.

Gluckman, H.M., 1972, The ideas in Barotse jurisprudence, Manchester: Manchester University Press, herdruk, eerste druk 1965.

Haltenorth, T., zzz& Diller, H., 1988, A field guide to the mammals of Africa, London: Collins, this edition first published 1980, Engl. tr. of Säugetiere Afrikas und Madagaskars, Muenchen: BLV, 1977

HM 6 , Historical Manuscripts box 6, Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

Hobsbawm, E., zzz& Ranger, T.O., 1983, ed., The invention of tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; reprinted 1993

Holub, E., 1879, Eine Culturskizze des Marutse-Mambunda Reiches in Süd-Central-Afrika, Vienna: Königliche und Kaiserliche Geographische Gesellschaft.

Holub, E., 1881, Sieben Jahre in Südafrika: Erlebnisse, Forschungen und Jaden auf meiner Reisen von den Diamantenfeldern zum Zambesi (1872-1879), 2 vols, Wien: Hölder.

Holy, L., 1975, ed., Emil Holub’s Travels north of the Zambezi, 1885-6, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Hoover, J.J., 1980, ‘The seduction of Ruwej: Reconstructing Ruund history (the nuclear Lunda: Zaïre, Angola, Zambia)’, 2 vols., Ann Arbor, Michigan/London: University Microfilms International.

Ikacana, N.S., 1971, Litaba za Makwanga, Lusaka: Neczam; reprint of 1952 edition.

Jaeger, D., 1972, ed., ‘Kaonde history’, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute.

Jaeger, D., 1974, ed., ‘Kaonde Histories (Part II)’, Amsterdam, Royal Tropical Institute, mimeo.

Jalla, A.D., 1921, History, traditions and legends of the Barotse people, Lealui: Colonial Office, African no. 1179 [original title: Litaba za Sicaba sa Malozi, Oxford University Press, Capetown, 1921; revised edition, Oxford University Press, London, 1959; occasionally one finds reference to an earlier, 1909, edition].

Kaoma Farmer, 1,1, 13 July 1995

Kashoki, M.E., 1978, ‘The language situation in Zambia’, in: S. Ohannessian zzz& M.E. Kashoki (eds.), Language in Zambia, London: International African Institute, pp. 9-46.

Kawanga, Davison, 1978, ‘Nkoya songs as taped by Wim van Binsbergen: translations and notes’, manuscript

KDB 1/2/1 , Kafue Game Reserve, Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

KDC 6/4/1, Mumbwa tour report May 1930; identical to KSA 8/3/1; in KDB 1/2/1 , Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

KSA 8/3/1, Mumbwa tour report May 1930; identical to KDC 6/4/1; in KDB 1/2/1 , Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

KSF 2/1 vol. I Namwala Station Daybook

KSF 3/1 , ‘A paper on the origin of the Baila, A Suggestion — to accompany Annual report on Namwala subdistrict’, 1917-18 (by J.C. Hall), Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

KSX 1/1/1 , Mankoya correspondence 1931-35, Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

KTJ 1/1 , Mumbwa outletters (Gielgud-Anderson Hook of the Kafue expedition; cf. BS 1/93), Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

KTJ 2/1 , Mumbwa — some important papers, Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

Liénard, J., 1902, Lettres et fragments, Cahors/Paris: Coueslat/Fischbacher.

Livingstone, D., 1971, Missionary travels and researches in South Africa, New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, reprint of the 1858 Harper edition.

Makiyi, Dickson K., n.d., ‘Nkoya History — Kaoma, Western Province, Zambia’, manuscript.

map collection, AC Rhodesia, 1895, Zimbabwe National Archives, Harare

map collection: [114], BSACo. Territories, 1901, Zimbabwe National Archives, Harare

Masheka Munangisha, Moses, n.d., [untitled manuscript A].

Masheka Munangisha, Moses, n.d., untitled manuscript B].

Matthews, J.B., 1964, ‘Notes on some African stone games’, NADA (Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department Annual), 9, 1: 64-66.

McClintock, A., 1990, ‘Maidens, maps and mines: King Solomon’s Mines and the reinvention of patriarchy in colonial South Africa’, in: C. Walker (ed.), Women and gender in Southern Africa to 1945, Cape Town/London: David Philip/James Currey, pp. 97-124.

McCulloch, M., 1951, The southern Lunda and related peoples, London: Oxford University Press, Ethnographic Atlas of Africa.

Melland, F.H., 1967, In witchbound Africa, London: Cass; reprint of 1923 edition, London: Seeley zzz& Service.

Merle-Davis, J., et al., 1933, Modern Industry and the African, London: Macmillan; repr. 1967, London: Frank Cass

Miller, J.C., 1972, ‘The Imbangala and the chronology of early Central African history’, Journal of African History, 13: 549-574.

Miller, J.C., 1976, Kings and kinsmen, Cambridge: Clarendon Press.

Miller, J.C., 1980, ed., The African past speaks, Folkestone: Dawson.

Miller, J.C., 1981, ‘Lineages, ideology, and the history of slavery in Western Central Africa’, in: P.E. Lovejoy (ed.), The ideology of slavery in Africa, Beverly Hills/London: Sage, pp. 41-71.

Miracle, M.P., 1959, ‘Plateau Tongo entrepreneurs in historical inter-regional trade’, Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, 26: 34-50.

Mukuni, Silocha II, Chief, n.d., ‘A short history of the Baleya people of Kalomo district’, photocopy of unpublished typescript, University of Zambia Library, special collection on Zambia, no. (q) DT 967 Muk.

Mulford, D.C., 1967, Zambia: The politics of Independence, 1957-1964, London: Oxford University Press.

Mutumba Mainga, 1972, ‘A history of Lozi religion to the end of the nineteenth century’, in: T.O. Ranger and I. Kimambo (eds.), The historical study of African religion, London: Heinemann, pp. 95-107.

Mutumba Mainga, 1973, Bulozi under the Luyana kings, London: Longman.

Muuka, L.S., 1966, ‘The colonization of Barotseland in the 17th century’, in: Stokes zzz& Brown 1966: 248-60.

Mwene, H.H., 1986, [ manuscript materials on Nkoya toponyms ].

Mwene, H.H., n.d., ‘Kafunte ka Shibinda’, typescript.

Northern Rhodesia, 1943, A general list of chiefs: An alphabetical and tabulated list of chiefs as at October 1943, Lusaka: Government Printer.

Northern Rhodesia, 1956, Ann. Rep. Afr. Aff 1956

Northern Rhodesia, 1960, A general list of chiefs, Lusaka: Government Printer.

Ntaniela Mwene Mulimba, n.d., [untitled manuscript notebook].

Papstein, R.J., 1978, ‘The Upper Zambezi: A history of the Luvale people 1000-1900’, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.

Papstein, R.J., 1980, ‘The transformation of oral history under the colonial state’, in: Papers Presented to the International Oral History Conference, 24-26 October 1980, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, vol. ii, pp. 548-569.

Papstein, R.J., 1985, ‘The political economy of ethnicity: The example of Northwestern Zambia’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 98, 3: 393-401.

photographic collection, Barotseland section, Zimbabwe National Archives, Harare

Prins, G., 1978, ‘Self defence against invented tradition: An example from Zambia’, in: B. Bernardi, C. Poni zzz& A. Triulzi, (eds.), Fonti Orali/Oral Sources/Sources orales, Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 311-322.

Prins, G., 1979, ‘The end of the beginning of African history’, Social History, 4, 3: 495-508.

Prins, G., 1980, The hidden hippopotamus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Reefe, T.Q., 1981, The rainbow and the kings: A history of the Luba empire to 1891, Berkeley zzz& Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Reid, P.C., 1897, ‘A journey up the Machili’, Geographical Journal, 9, 2: 143-145.

Rennie, J.K., zzz& Mubita, A., 1985, ‘Precolonial economy and society around Itzhitezhi’, in: Derricourt 1985: 33-55.

Rennie, J.K., zzz& Mubita, A., 1985, ‘The history and genealogy of Chief Kayingu’, in: Derricourt 1985: 134-136, Appendix One.

Reynolds, B., 1963, Magic, divination and witchcraft among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, London: Chatto zzz& Windus.

Roberts, A.D., 1976, A history of Zambia, London: Heinemann.

Rotberg, R.I., 1967, The rise of nationalism in Central Africa, New York/Boston: Harvard University Press.

Sampson, R., 1972, The man with a toothbrush in his hat: The story and times of George Copp Westbeech in Central Africa, Lusaka: Multimedia.

Sandasanda, J., 1972, ‘The Kaonde history (first part)’, mimeo, s.l., s.n. [Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute].

Sangambo, M.K., 1979, The history of the Luvale people and their chieftainship, A. Hansen zzz& R.J. Papstein, (eds.), Los Angeles: Africa Institute for Applied Research.

Schecter, R.E., 1980, ‘A propos the Drunken King: Cosmology and history’, in: Miller 1980: 108-125.

Schecter, R.E., 1980, ‘History and historiography on a frontier of Lunda expansion: The origins and early development of the Kanongesha’, Ann Arbor, Michigan/ Londen: University Microfilms International.

Schoffeleers, J.M., 1979, ed., Guardians of the land, Gwelo [ Gweru ] : Mambo Press.

Schomburgk, H., 1910, Wild und Wilde im Herzen Afrikas: Zwölf jahre Jagd- und Forschungsreisen, Berlin: Fleischel

Schültz, J., 1976, Land use in Zambia, Part I. The basically traditional land-use systems and their regions, München: Weltforum Verlag.

Selous, F.C., 1893, Travel and adventure in South-East Africa, London: Rowland Ward zzz& Co.

Serpa Pinto, A. de, 1881, Como eu atravessei Àfrica: Do Atlantico ao Mar Indico, viagem de Benguella á contra-costa, a-travès regiões desconhecidas; determinações geographicas e estudos ethnographicos, I. Primeira Parte - A carabina d’el-Rei; II Segunda Parte - A familia Coillard, London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle zzz& Rivington, 2 vols.

Shaloff, L.S., 1972, ‘The Kasempa salient: The tangled web of British-Kaonde-Lozi relations’, International Journal of African Historical Studies,  5, 1: 22-40.

Shimantale, E.M. , 1976, ‘The history of the Mbwela people’, photocopy of typescript of an interview by J.K. Rennie, 6 pp., s.l., author’s collection.

Shimunika, J.M., see: Anonymous

Shimunika, Jackson, n.d., ‘Mr. Clay’s history commentary. On the early [sic] of the Mankoya. (Kaoma)’, typescript, author’s collection.

Shimwaayi Muntemba, M., 1970, ‘The political and ritual sovereignty among the Mukuni Leya of Zambia’, Zambia Museum Journal, 1: 28-39.

Sililo Munyandi, 1957-59 ‘Mankoya district [MS map] by Sililo Munyandi, 1957-59’, dye-line map, author’s collection.

Silva Porto, A.F., 1942, Viagems e apuntamentos de um Português em Àfrica: Excerptos de seu diario, Lisbon: Agencia Geral das Colonial.

Smith, E.W., zzz& A.M. Dale, 1920, The Ila-Speaking peoples of Northern Rhodesia, 2 vols, London: Macmillan.

Stayt, H., 1931, The Bavenda, Londen: Oxford University Press.

Stirke, D.W., 1922, Barotseland: Eight years among the Barotse, London: J. Bale Sons zzz& Danielsson; 1969 repr., Negro Universities Press.

Stokes, E., 1966, ‘Barotseland: Survival of an African state’, in: Stokes zzz& Brown 1966: 261-301.

Stokes, E., zzz& R. Brown (eds.), 1966, The Zambesian Past, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Surveyor General, 1986, ‘Republic of Zambia, scale 1: 1,500,000’, Lusaka: Surveyor General.

Surveyor General, n.d. , ‘Tribal and linguistic map of Zambia’, Lusaka: Surveyor General.

Sutton, J.E.G., 1977, ‘The African aqualithic’, Antiquity 51: 25-54

Tabler, E.C. (ed.), 1963, ‘The diaries of G. Westbeech 1885-1888’, in: E.C. Tabler (ed.), Trade and travel in Early Barotseland, London: Chatto zzz& Windus, pp. 23-101.

Testamenta, 1952, Testamenta ya yipya/Nyimbo [Nkoya New Testament and Psalms ], London: British and Foreign Bible Society.

Tordoff, W. (ed.), 1974, Politics in Zambia, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Tuden, A., 1958, ‘Ila slavery’, Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, 24: 68-78.

Turner, V.W., 1952, The Lozi peoples of North-West Rhodesia, London: Oxford University Press, Ethnographic Atlas of Africa.

Turner, V.W., 1955, ‘A Lunda love story and its consequences: Selected texts from traditions collected by Henrique Dias de Carvalho at the court of Mwantianvwa in 1887’, Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, 19: 1-26.

Turner, V.W., 1957, Schism and continuity in an African society, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Turner, V.W., 1961, Ndembu divination: Its symbolism and techniques, Manchester: Manchester University Press, Rhodes-Livingstone Paper no 31.

Turner, V.W., 1967, The forest of symbols, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

U 1/2 , Slavery, Zambia National Archives, Lusaka

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1972, ‘Bituma: Preliminary Notes on a Possession Healing Cult among the Nkoya’, paper read at Conference on the History of Central African Religious Systems, University of Zambia/University of California Los Angeles, Lusaka.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1974, ‘Een onderzoek naar relaties tussen stad en platteland onder de Nkoya van Lusaka en van Kaoma district, Zambia’, Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO), 6 pp.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1974, Kinship, Marriage and Urban-Rural Relations: A Preliminary Study of Law and Social Control among the Nkoya of Kaoma District and of Lusaka, Zambia, Leiden: African Studies Centre, Conferences Papers Series.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1974., ‘Een onderzoek naar relaties tussen stad en platteland onder de Nkoya van Lusaka en van Kaoma district, Zambia: Uitwerkingsconcept, juli 1974-juli 1975’, Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO), 5 pp.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1975, ‘Een onderzoek naar relaties tussen stad en platteland onder de Nkoya van Lusaka en van Kaoma district, Zambia: Beknopt verslag over de werkzaamheden verricht in de periode 1 juli 1974 — 1 juli 1975’, Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO), 4 pp

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1975, ‘Ethnicity as a dependent variable: The ‘‘Nkoya’’ ethnic identity and inter-ethnic relations in Zambia’, paper read at the 34th Annual Meeting, Symposium on Ethnic Relations, Society for Applied Anthropology, Amsterdam.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1975, ‘Labour migration and the generation conflict: Social change in Western Zambia’, paper read at the 34th Annual Meeting, Society for Applied Anthropology, Section: Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Migration, Amsterdam, 19-22 March 1975.

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1976, ‘Ritual, class and urban-rural relations: elements for a Zambian case study’, Cultures et développement (Louvain), 8, 2: 195-218; revised reprint in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1981, Religious change in Zambia,: ch. 6

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1976, ‘Shrines, cults and society in North and Central Africa: A comparative analysis’, paper read at the Association of Social Anthropologists of Great Britain and the Commonwealth (ASA) Annual Conference on Regional Cults and Oracles, Manchester, 35 pp

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1976, ‘The dynamics of religious change in Western Zambia’, Ufahamu (Los Angeles) 6: 69-87; revised reprint in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1981, Religious change in Zambia,: ch. 4.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1977, ‘Law in the context of Nkoya society’, in: Roberts, S., ed., Law and the family in Africa, The Hague/Paris: Mouton, pp. 39-68.

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1977, ‘Regional and non-regional cults of affliction in Western Zambia’, in: Werbner, R.P., ed, Regional cults, A.S.A. Monographs 16, London: The Academic Press, ISBN 0.12.744950.7, pp. 141-75; revised reprint in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1981, Religious change in Zambia: ch. 5

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1978, ‘Njonjolo Clinic project’, Leiden: African Studies Centre, 10 pp.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1978, ‘Class formation and the penetration of capitalism in a Zambian rural district’, paper read at the seminar on Class Formation in Africa, 18-19 May, 1978, Leiden: African Studies Centre

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1978d, ‘Het “Njonjolo Clinic Project”: Financiële en Beleidsaspecten’, Leiden: African Studies Centre, 6 pp

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1979, ‘Anthropological Fieldwork: “There and Back Again” ’, Human Organization, 38, 2: 205-9

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1979, ‘Explorations in the sociology and history of territorial cults in Zambia’, in: Schoffeleers, J.M., eds, 1979, Guardians of the Land, Gwelo: Mambo Press, pp. 47-88; revised edition in: W.M.J. van Binsbergen, Religious change in Zambia: Exploratory studies, chapter 3, pp. 100-134

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1979, ‘Postscript: The role of cognition’, in: J.D.M. van der Geest zzz& K.W. van der Veen, eds, In Search of Health: Six Essays on Medical Anthropology, Amsterdam: Anthropological Sociological Centre, ISBN 90.70313.02.2, pp. 87-90

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1979, The infancy of Edward Shelonga: An extended case study in medical and religious anthropology from the Zambia Nkoya’, First published in: van der Geest, J.D.M., zzz& van der Veen, K.W., 1979, eds., In search of health: Essays in medical anthropology, Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, pp. 19-90

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1979, Religious Change in Zambia: Exploratory Studies, Ph.D. thesis, Free University, Amsterdam.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1981, ‘The unit of study and the interpretation of ethnicity: Studying the Nkoya of Western Zambia’, in: Journal of Southern African Studies, 8, 1: 51-81.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1981, ‘Theoretical and experiential dimensions in the study of the ancestral cult among the Zambian Nkoya’, paper read at the symposium on Plurality in Religion, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Intercongress, Amsterdam, 22-25 April, 1981.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1981, Religious change in Zambia: Exploratory studies, London/Boston: Kegan Paul International, 500 pp., which is not yet available on the Internet

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1982, ‘Ziekteculten in een Zambiaanse stad en de koppeling van produktiewijzen’, in: Binsbergen, W.M.J. van, zzz& Geschiere, P.L., ed., Oude Produktiewijzen en Binnendringend Kapitalisme: Antropologische verkenningen in Afrika, Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, pp. 201-247.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1983, ‘Rural communities in the Central African context: The Nkoya of central western Zambia’, in: Société Jean Bodin (ed.), Les Communautés rurales: Première Partie: Sociétés sans Écriture: Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin pour l’Histoire comparative des Institutions, no. 24, Paris: Dessain zzz& Tolra, pp.185-95.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1984, ‘Can anthropology become the theory of peripheral class struggle?: Reflexions on the work of P.P. Rey’, in: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., zzz& G.S.C.M. Hesseling, eds, Aspecten van staat en maatschappij in Afrika: Recent Dutch and Belgian research on the African state, Leiden: African Studies Centre, pp. 163-80; German version published as: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1984, ‘Kann die Ethnologie zur Theorie des Klassenkampfes in der Peripherie werden?’, Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Soziologie, 9, 4: 138-48; revised version included as chapter 3 in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., Intercultural encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a philosophy of interculturality, Berlin/Muenster: LIT

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1985, ‘Dynamics of the Tonga-Lozi frontier in the nineteenth and twentieth century’, seminar paper, Africa colloquium, Netherlands Association for African Studies, Leiden, November 1985.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1985, ‘From tribe to ethnicity in western Zambia: The unit of study as an ideological problem’, in: W.M.J. van Binsbergen zzz& P. Geschiere, eds., Old modes of production and capitalist encroachment: Anthropological explorations in Africa, London: Kegan Paul International, pp. 181-234.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1986, ‘De vrouwelijke kant van staatsvorming in prekoloniaal centraal Westelijk Zambia’, in: H.J.M. Claessen (ed.), Machtige moeders: Over de positie van de vrouw in vroege staten, Leiden: Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Sociologie der Niet-Westerse Volken, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, pp. 157-216; English version: ‘Female dimensions of state formation in Central Western Zambia, c. 1500-1900: And the religious transformation of women’s political power in the nineteenth and twentieth century’, paper, Conference on Culture and Consciousness in Southern Africa, University of Manchester, Manchester, 25th September 1986.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1986, ‘The post-colonial state, “state penetration” and the Nkoya experience in Central Western Zambia’, in: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., G. Hesseling en F. Reijntjens, eds., State and local community in Africa/Etat et Communauté locale en Afrique, Brussels: Cahiers du CEDAF/ASDOC geschriften, 2-3-4/1986, pp. 31-63.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1986-87, ‘Culturele dilemma’s van de ontwikkelingswerker’, Wijsgerig Perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap, 27, 4: 124-28.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1987, ‘Chiefs and the State in Independent Zambia : exploring the Zambian National Press’, in: J. Griffiths zzz& E. A. B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (eds), Journal of Legal Pluralism, special issue on chieftainship in Africa, n° 25-26, pp. 139-201.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1987, ‘De schaduw waar je niet overheen mag stappen: Een westers onderzoeker op het meisjesfeest van de Zambiaanse Nkoya’, in: W.M.J. van Binsbergen zzz& M.R. Doornbos (eds.), Afrika in spiegelbeeld, Haarlem: In de Knipscheer, pp. 139-181; English version: ‘ “The shadow you are not supposed to tread upon”: Female initiation and field-work in central western Zambia’, paper presented at the Third Sattherthwaite Colloquium on African Religion and Ritual, University of Manchester/ Satterthwaite (Cumbria), 21-24 April, 1987; van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, ‘The shadow you must not step on’, English translation of: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1987, ‘De schaduw waar je niet overheen mag stappen: Een westers onderzoeker op het Nkoja meisjesfeest’, in: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., zzz& M.R. Doornbos, 1987, eds, Afrika in spiegelbeeld, Haarlem: In de Knipscheer, pp. 139-182; revised version included as chapter 3 in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., Intercultural encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a philosophy of interculturality, Berlin/Muenster: LIT

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1987, ‘Likota lya Bankoya: Memory, myth and history’, in: Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines, 27, 3-4: 359-392, numéro spécial sur modes populaires d’histoire en Afrique, sous la direction de B. Jewsiewicki zzz& C. Moniot.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1988, ‘Editorial note’, in: J.M. Shimunika zzz& W. van Binsbergen, Likota lya Bankoya: Nkoya version, Research report No. 31B, Leiden: African Studies centre, ISBN 90.70110.61.X, pp. 91-97

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1988, ‘Reflections on the future of anthropology in Africa’, in: African futures: Twenty-fifth Anniversary Conference, Edinburgh: Centre of African Studies, Seminar Proceedings, No. 28, 1988, pp. 293-309.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1988, ed., Rev. Johasaphat Malasha Shimunika’s Likota lya Bankoya Nkoya edition, Leiden: African Studies Centre Research Reports No. 31 B.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1990, ‘Grondrechten (mensenrechten) in het traditionele rechtssysteem van de Zambiaanse Nkoya: Een rechtsantropologische notitie’, internal paper, Leiden: ASC, 26 pp

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1990, ‘Het dorp Mabombola: Vestiging, verwantschap en huwelijk bij de Zambiaanse Nkoya’, unpublished MS.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1991, ‘De chaos getemd? Samenwonen en zingeving in modern Afrika’, in: H.J.M. Claessen ed., De chaos getemd?, Leiden: Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1991, pp. 31-47.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1991, Religion and development: Reflexions on the work of Philip Quarles van Ufford and Matthew Schoffeleers’, greatly expanded version of a text originally published in Anthropologische Verkenningen, 1991

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1992, Kazanga: Etniciteit in Afrika tussen staat en traditie, oratie (inaugural lecture, chair of the anthropology of ethnicity), Amsterdam: Free University; French version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1993, ‘Kazanga: Ethnicité en Afrique entre Etat et tradition’, in: Binsbergen, W.M.J. van, zzz& Schilder, K., ed., Perspectives on Ethnicity in Africa, special issue ‘Ethnicity’, Afrika Focus, Gent (Belgie), 1993, 1: 9-40; English version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994, ‘The Kazanga festival: Ethnicity as cultural mediation and transformation in central western Zambia’, African Studies, 53, 2, 1994, pp 92-125.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1992, Tears of Rain: Ethnicity and history in central Western Zambia, London/ Boston: Kegan Paul International (a Zambian edition published in collaboration with the Zambia Educational Publishing House, Lusaka, 1994)

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1993, ‘ ‘‘ Geef hem dan maar aan de krokodillen’’: Staatsvorming, geweld en culturele discontinuiteit in voor-koloniaal Zuidelijk Centraal Afrika’, contribution to a special issue on state formation, guest editors H. Dahles zzz& A. Trouwborst, Antropologische Verkenningen, 12, 4: 10-31, 1993; also: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994, ‘ ‘‘Geef hem dan maar aan de krokodillen’’: Staatsvorming, geweld en culturele discontinuïteit in voor-koloniaal zuidelijk Centraal-Afrika’, in: M. Lucas, A. Tijmes zzz& J. Weerdenburg, ed, Afrika: Een sprekend verleden, Utrecht: Bureau Studium Generale, Studium Generale Reeks 9407, 1994, pp. 71-102; English version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1996, ‘ ‘‘Then give him to the crocodiles’’: Violence, state formation, and cultural discontinuity in west central Zambia, 1600-1996’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed., Anthropology on violence: A one-day conference, Amsterdam: Department of Cultural Anthropology/ Sociology of Development, Vrije Universiteit, pp. 75-91; final English version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, ‘Then give him to the crocodiles’’: Violence, state formation, and cultural discontinuity in west central Zambia, 1600-2000’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in collaboration with Pelgrim, R., ed., The dynamics of power and the rule of law: Essays on Africa and beyond: in honour of Emile Adriaan van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Berlin/Muenster: LIT for African Studies Centre, pp. 197-219.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1993, ‘Mukanda: Towards a history of circumcision rites in western Zambia, 18th-20th century’, in: J.-P. Chretien, avec collaboration de C.-H.Perrot, G. Prunier zzz& D. Raison-Jourde, eds., L’invention religieuse en Afrique: Histoire et religion en Afrique noire, Paris: Agence de Culture et de Cooperation Technique/Karthala, pp. 49-103.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994, ‘Minority language, ethnicity and the state in two African situations: the Nkoya of Zambia and the Kalanga of Botswana’, in: Fardon, R. zzz& Furniss, G., ed., African languages, development and the state, Londen etc.: Routledge, pp. 142-188.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1995, ‘Aspects of democracy and democratisation in Zambia and Botswana: Exploring political culture at the grassroots’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 13, 1: 3-33; reprinted in: Tom Young,. ed., 2004, Readings in African Politics, International Africa Institute in cooperation with Indiana University Press and James Currey, London etc., pp. 202-214

Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1996, ‘Zambia voor ‘gevorderden’: Ontnuchterende impressies van een onderzoeksreis’, Zambia Nieuwsbrief, Jubileumbijlage ter gelegenheid van het verschijnen van het 75e nummer, Oktober 1996: 9-10

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1998, ‘Mediation and social organisation in the politics of culture: Scenes from Southern African life’, paper read at the Workshop on ‘Media and Mediation in the Politics of Culture’, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, India, March 4-7, 1998, 24 pp.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1998, ‘Skulls and Tears: Identifying and analysing an African fantasy space extending over 5000 kilometres and across 5000 years’, paper prepared for the conference on ‘Fantasy spaces: The power of images in a globalizing world’, WOTRO [ Netherlands Foundation for Tropical Research ] Programme on Globalization and the Construction of Communal Identities, Amsterdam, 27-29 August, 1998.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘Nkoya royal chiefs and the Kazanga Cultural Association in western central Zambia today: Resilience, decline, or folklorisation?’, in: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal zzz& R. van Dijk, eds., African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape, Hamburg/ Münster: LIT-Verlag, pp. 97-133; French version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2000, Les chefs royaux nkoya et l’Association culturelle Kazanga dans la Zambie du centre-ouest aujourd’hui: Resiliation, declin ou folklorisation de la fonction du chef traditionnel?, in: Perrot, C.-H., et al., eds., Le retour des roi, Actes du colloque sur la chefferie en Afrique (Paris 1999), Paris : Karthala,489-512

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘The Janus situation: Development and the intercontinental circulation of knowledge and ignorance’, paper read at the 1999 Wageningen (Netherlands) conference on ‘Decision-making in natural resources management’; revised version included as chapter 10 in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., Intercultural encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a philosophy of interculturality, Berlin/Muenster: LIT; also: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘The Janus situation in local-level development organization in Africa’, in: Spliethof, P., de Hoogh, R., zzz& van Leeuwen, N., eds, Decision-making in community forestry: Proceedings of the seminar on ‘Decision-making in natural resources management, with a focus on adaptive management’, 22-24 September 1999, Wagening: International Agricultural Centre, pp. 177-186; revised version incorporated in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Intercultural encounters, Berlin/Muenster: LIT, ch. 10.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2000, ‘Sensus communis or sensus particularis? A social-science comment’, in: Kimmerle, H., & Oosterling, H., 2000, eds., Sensus communis in multi- and intercultural perspective: On the possibility of common judgments in arts and politics, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 113-128; final version incorporated in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Intercultural encounters, Berlin/Muenster: LIT, ch. 9.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Intercultural encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a philosophy of interculturality, Berlin/Muenster: LIT, 610 pp.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004, ‘Spiritualiteit en transcendentie: Een onderzoek naar spiritualiteit vertrekkend vanuit Otto Duintjers Onuitputtelijk is de Waarheid’, lezing door Wim van Binsbergen voor Studium Generale en Filosofie Oost-West (2e lustrum), Utrecht, 21 april 2004

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., zzz& Geschiere, P.L., 1985,’A modes-of-production approach to religion and ritual’, excerpt from: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., zzz& P.L. Geschiere, 1985, ‘Marxist theory and anthropological practice: The application of French Marxist anthropology in fieldwork’, in: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., zzz& P. Geschiere, eds, Old modes of production and capitalist encroachment: Anthropological explorations in Africa, London/Boston: Kegan Paul International, pp. 235-89

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in preparation, ‘I shall never forget our drums’: Studies in Nkoya culture, society and history.

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in preparation, Van vorstenhof tot mediaprodukt: Een culturele antropologie voor Afrika, vooral Zambia

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