all publications listed below © Copyright Wim van Binsbergen
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Nkoya relevance |
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general philosophical discussion of the problem of intercultural knowledge production, contains many Nkoya examples, and several chapters are entirely devoted to Nkoya case studies (also see below) |
Religion and development: Reflexions on the work of Philip Quarles van Ufford and Matthew Schoffeleers | the traditional Nkoya conception of development, and its political implications | greatly expanded version of a text originally published in Anthropologische Verkenningen, 1991 | |
Theoretical and experiental dimensions of studying the Nkoya ancestral cult | discusses in detail ancestral cult as an aspect of Nkoya religion | Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1981, ‘Theoretical and experiential dimensions in the study of the ancestral cult among the Zambian Nkoya’, paper read at the symposium on Plurality in Religion, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Intercongress, Amsterdam, 22-25 April, 1981, 22 pp | |
A modes-of-production approach to religion and ritual (with Peter Geschiere) | discusses in detail a Nkoya royal court as a mode of production | excerpt from: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., & P.L. Geschiere, 1985, ‘Marxist theory and anthropological practice: The application of French Marxist anthropology in fieldwork’, in: Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., & P. Geschiere, eds, Old modes of production and capitalist encroachment: Anthropological explorations in Africa, London/Boston: Kegan Paul International, pp. 235-89 | |
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discusses in detail female puberty rites (kutembwisha kankanga) as an aspect of Nkoya religion and culture |
The infancy of Edward Shelonga: An extended case study in medical and religious anthropology from the Zambia Nkoya | discusses in detail the interaction between modern and traditional medicine in the Nkoya context, 1970s | First published in: van der Geest, J.D.M., & van der Veen, K.W., 1979, eds., In search of health: Essays in medical anthropology, Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, pp. 19-90 | |
Note: major studies of territorial cults, royal cults and cults of affliction (healing cults) among the Nkoya are included as chapters in: van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1981, Religious change in Zambia: Exploratory studies, London/Boston: Kegan Paul International, 500 pp., which is not yet available on the Internet | |||
Spiritualiteit en transcendentie | transcendence in everyday and ritual Nkoya life; still to be translated into English | 'Spiritualiteit en transcendentie: Een onderzoek naar spiritualiteit vertrekkend vanuit Otto Duintjers Onuitputtelijk is de Waarheid', lezing door Wim van Binsbergen voor Studium Generale en Filosofie Oost-West (2e lustrum), Utrecht, 21 april 2004 | |
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Nkoya relevance |
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general philosophical discussion of the problem of intercultural knowledge production, contains many Nkoya examples, and several chapters are entirely devoted to Nkoya case studies (also see below) |
![]() The dynamics of power and the rule of law
a general discussion of African chieftainship in precolonial, colonial and postcolonial times; contains an important chapter on kingship in Western Zambia (including Nkoya) in the 19th century |
![]() English version in Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, final English version in Intercultural encounters (2003)
the author's professorial inaugural lecture in the chair of intercultural philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1999; contains many references to Nkoya life |
The Kazanga festival: Ethnicity as cultural mediation and transformation in central western Zambia | the author's professorial inaugural lecture in the chair of the anthropology of ethnicity, Free University, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1992; contains a detailed study of the articulation of ethnic identity through the Kazanga Cultural Association and its annual festival | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1992, Kazanga: Etniciteit
in Afrika tussen staat en traditie, oratie (inaugural lecture),
Amsterdam: Free University;
shortened French version: ‘Kazanga: Ethnicite en Afrique entre Etat et tradition’, in: Binsbergen, W.M.J. van, & Schilder, K., red., Perspectives on Ethnicity in Africa, special issue ‘Ethnicity’, Afrika Focus, Gent (Belgie), 1993, 1: 9-40; English version with postscript: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994, ‘The Kazanga festival: Ethnicity as cultural mediation and transformation in central western Zambia’, African Studies, 53, 2, 1994, pp 92-125. |
From tribe to ethnicity in Western Zambia | detailed study of Nkoya identity and history in confrontation with the Lozi (Luyi) and the national state up to the early 1980s | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1985, ‘From tribe to ethnicity in western Zambia: The unit of study as an ideological problem’, in: W.M.J. van Binsbergen & P. Geschiere, eds., Old modes of production and capitalist encroachment: Anthropological explorations in Africa, London: Kegan Paul International, pp. 181-234. | ||
investigates the conditions for community life and reconciliation among the rural Nkoya in comparison with urban Botswana | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1991, ‘De chaos getemd? Samenwonen en zingeving in modern Afrika’, in: H.J.M. Claessen red., De chaos getemd?, Leiden: Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1991, pp. 31-47. | |||
detailed discussion of Nkoya customary law especially family and marriage law | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1977, ‘Law in the context of Nkoya society’, in: S. Roberts, ed., Law and the family in Africa, The Hague/Paris: Mouton, pp. 39-68. | |||
aspects of the globalisation of African culture today, discussed by reference to Nkoya examples such as female puberty ceremonies and the Kazanga Annual Festival | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1998, ‘Globalization and virtuality: Analytical problems posed by the contemporary transformation of African societies’, in: Meyer, B., & Geschiere, P., eds., Globalization and idenity: Dialectics of flow and closure, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 273-303; also published as: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1998, ‘Globalization and virtuality: Analytical problems posed by the contemporary transformation of African societies’, in: Meyer, B., & Geschiere, P., eds., Globalization and identity: Dialectics of flows and closures, special issue, Development and Change, 29, 4, October 1998, pp. 873-903 | |||
![]() The Janus situation: Development and the intercontinental circulation of knowledge and ignorance |
provocative discussion of the role of regional information brokers in Africa between the grassroots level and international development agencies; case study of the Nkoya situation |
Minority language and the state in Zambia and Botswana | ethnic and language situation of the Nkoya as compared to the Kalanga of Botswana and southwestern Zimbabwe | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994, ‘Minority language, ethnicity and the state in two African situations: the Nkoya of Zambia and the Kalanga of Botswana’, in: Fardon, R. & Furniss, G., red., African languages, development and the state, Londen etc.: Routledge, pp. 142-188. | ||
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aspects of the Nkoya in national
politics as compared to Botswana
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1995, ‘Aspects of democracy and democratisation in Zambia and Botswana: Exploring political culture at the grassroots’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 13, 1: 3-33; reprinted in: Tom Young,. ed., 2004, Readings in African Politics, International Africa Institute in cooperation with Indiana University Press and James Currey, London etc., pp. 202-214 | ||
State penetration and the Nkoya experience, western Zambia, 1800-1986 | aspects of the Nkoya in national politics | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1986, ‘The post-colonial state, “state penetration” and the Nkoya experience in Central Western Zambia’, in: W.M.J. van Binsbergen, F. Reijntjens & G.S.C.M. Hesseling (eds), State and local community in Africa, Brussels: Cahiers du CEDAF, pp.31-63. | ||
Can a foreign researcher make a positive contribution to the society she or he studies? Must such a contribution be of a radical political nature? Can it be? Examples taken from the author's Nkoya research |
migration and the generation conflict |
aspects of Nkoya life in the middle of the 20th century, with special emphasis on labour migration, chieftainship and witchcraft | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1975, ‘Labour migration and the generation conflict: Social change in Western Zambia’, paper read at the 34th Annual Meeting, Society for Applied Anthropology, Section: Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Migration, Amsterdam, 19-22 March 1975. | ||
general study of Zambian chieftainship in the postcolonial period, inspired by the Nkoya situation, which features in examples | van Binsbergen W. M. J., 1987, ‘Chiefs and the State in Independent Zambia : exploring the Zambian National Press’, in: J. Griffiths & E. A. B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (eds), Journal of Legal Pluralism, special issue on chieftainship in Africa, n° 25-26, pp. 139-201. | |||
Chieftainship is a time-honoured idiom that does not follow the logic of the state and other modern formal organisations; a voluntary association such as the Kazanga Cultural Association comes much closer to that logic. How do chieftainship and Kazanga interact among the Nkoya to effect a transformation of chieftainship? | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘Nkoya royal chiefs and the Kazanga Cultural Association in western central Zambia today: Resilience, decline, or folklorisation?’, in: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal & R. van Dijk, eds., African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape, Hamburg/ Munster: LIT-Verlag, pp. 97-133 | |||
previous article in French version | Slightly compressed French version of: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘Nkoya royal chiefs and the Kazanga Cultural Association in western central Zambia today: Resilience, decline, or folklorisation?’, in: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal & R. van Dijk, eds., African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape, Hamburg/ Munster: LIT-Verlag, pp. 97-133; French version now in the press in: Perrot, C.-H., ed., Actes du colloque sur la chefferie en Afrique (Paris 1999) | |||
Mukanda: Towards a history of circumcision rites in western Zambia, 18th-20th century |
traces the history of male puberty rites from from the last centuries before colonial rule, and assesses its conjuncture as a marker, first of Nkoya identity, than of non-Nkoya identity | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1993, ‘Mukanda: Towards a history of circumcision rites in western Zambia, 18th-20th century’, in: J.-P. Chretien, avec collaboration de C.-H.Perrot, G. Prunier & D. Raison-Jourde, eds., L’invention religieuse en Afrique: Histoire et religion en Afrique noire, Paris: Agence de Culture et de Cooperation Technique/Karthala, pp. 49-103. | ||
Violence, state formation, and cultural discontinuity in west central Zambia, 1600-1996 (PDF) get Acrobat Reader |
an important chapter on kingship in Western Zambia (including Nkoya) in the 19th century; argues that chieftainship became a central expression of ethnic identity in the course of the 20th century, despite the fact that in the precolonial period the royal court, with its violently exploitative power, was essentially discontinuous vis-à-vis the culture of reconciliation and non-violence that governed Nkoya villange life |
Class formation, modes and branches of production, and the penetration of capitalism in the Kaoma rural district, Zambia, 1800-1978 | traces the history of modes of production among the Nkoya from the 17th century onwards | van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1978, ‘Class formation and the penetration of capitalism in a Zambian rural district’, paper read at the seminar on Class Formation in Africa, 18-19 May, 1978, Leiden: African Studies Centre |
Page last modified on 28-10-14 . |