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Background bibliography of selected publications that may be fruitfully consulted for the study of the Nkoya people, language, history and culture

compiled by Tatashikanda (Prof. Wim van Binsbergen); provisional and selective

Adelaar, S., 1994, ‘Asian roots of the Malagasy: A linguistic perspective’, paper presented at the congress on Malagasy cultural identity from the Asian perspective, Leiden, 28-29 March 1994.

Alpers, E.A., 1984, ‘ “Ordinary household chores”: Ritual and power in a 19th-century Swahili women’s spirit possession cult’, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 17, 4: 677-702.

Anonymous, ‘Language of the civilization, ca. 3500-1500 BCE’, at:

Apthorpe, R.J., 1960, ‘Mythical African political structures, Northern Rhodesia’, in: A. Dubb, (ed.), Myth in modern Africa, Lusaka: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, 14th Conference Proceedings, pp. 18-37.,

Apthorpe, R.J., 1961, ed., Central Bantu historical texts, I, Lusaka: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Communication no. 22.

Asad, T., 1973, ed., Anthropology and the colonial encounter, Londen: Ithaca Press.

Bard, K., 1996, ‘Ancient Egyptians and the Issue of Race’, in: M.R. Lefkowitz zzz& G. MacLean Rogers, eds., Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill zzz& London: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 103-111

Barnard, A. , 1986, ‘Structure and fluidity in Khoisan religious ideas’, paper presented at the Second Satterthwaite Colloquium on African Religions and Ritual, Satterthwaite (Cumbria, UK), April 1986.

Barnes, J.A., 1964, Politics in a changing society, Manchester: Manchester University Press, first published 1957

Barnes, J.A., zzz& Mitchell, J.C., 1950, The Lamba village 

Baroin, 2003, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., The dynamics of power and the rule of law

Baumann, H., 1936, Schöpfung und Urzeit der Menschen im Mythos der afrikanischen Völker, Berlin: [ publisher ]

Baumann, H., ed., 1979, Die Völker Afrikas und ihre tradionellen Kulturen, 2. Ost-, West und NordAfrika, Wiesbaden: Steiner

Beaujard, P., 1994, ‘Les rituels en riziculture chez les Tanala de l’Ikongo (Sud-Est de Madagascar)’, paper presented at the congress on Malagasy cultural identity from the Asian perspective, Leiden, Centrum voor Niet-Westerse Studies, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 28-29 March 1994. [ now published ]

Berger, I., 1981, Religion and resistance: East African kingdoms in the precolonial period, Tervuren: Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale.

Bernal, M., 1991, Black Athena: The Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. II, The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence. London: Free Association Books; New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.

Bernal, M., in press, ‘Review of ‘‘Word games: The linguistic evidence in Black Athena’, Jay H. Jasanoff zzz& Alan Nussbaum’, typescript in my possession

Black, C.L., Jr., 1978, ‘Reflections on reading and using the constitutional works of Max Gluckman’, in: Gulliver, P.H., ed., Cross-examinations: Essays in Memory of Max Gluckman, Leiden: Brill, pp.: [ add pages ] [ voor mensenrechten hoofdstuk ]

Brown, J.T., 1926, Among the Bantu Nomads: A record of forty years spent among the Bechuana a numerous zzz& famous branch of the Central South African Bantu, with the first full description of their ancient customs, manners zzz& beliefs, London: Seeley, Service zzz& Co Ltd.

Büll, R., 1959-70, Vom Wachs. Hoechster Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wachse. Frankfurt am Main: Hoechst AG, Vol I, part 4, 1960, pp. 143-190, Zur Geschichte des Wachshandels,

Burton, J.W., 1981, God’s Ants, A Study of Atuot Religion. St. Augustin: Anthropos Institute.

Burton, Sir R.F., 1873, The lands of Cazembe: Lacerda’s journey to Cazembe in 1798, translated and annotated by Cpt. R.F. Burton, also Journey of the Pombeiros P.J. Baptista and Amaro José, across Africa from Angola to Tette on the Zambezi, translated by B.A. Beadle, and A resumé of the journey of M.M. Monteiro and Gamitto by Dr. C.T. Beke, Royal Geographical Society, London: John Murray.

Butterman, J., 1985, ‘Towards a history of gender relations in Zambia’, in: Women’s rights in Zambia: Proceedings of the second national women’s rights conference held at Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation, Kitwe, 22-24 March 1985, n.d.: Zambia Association for Research and Development, pp. 145-185.

Caquot, A., 1963, ‘Mythologie des Sémites occidentaux’, in: Grimal, P., 1963, ed., Mythologies de la Méditerranée au Gange, Paris: Larousse, pp. 84-93

Chanock, M., 1985, Law, custom and the social order: The colonial experience in Malawi and Zambia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chiwale, J.C., 1962, Royal praises and praisenames of the Lunda Kazembe of Northern Rhodesia, Lusaka: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Communication no. 25.

Christie, A., 1968, Chinese mythology, London: Hamlyn

Claessen, H.J.M., 1984, ‘Een wijkende einder: Problemen en perspectieven bij onderzoek van de vroege staat in Afrika’, in: W.M.J. van Binsbergen zzz& G.S.C.M. Hesseling (eds.), Aspecten van staat en maatschappij in Afrika, Leiden: African Studies Centre, pp. 101-117.

Crawford, [ initials ] [ year , ca. 1959 ] [ title ] , in: Bulawayo Chronicle,  [ vol. ] [ add pages ]

Cross, S., 1973, ‘The Watch Tower movement in S. Central Africa 1908-1945’, D.Phil. thesis, Oxford.

Cunnison, I.G., 1951, History on the Luapula, London: Oxford University Press, Rhodes-Livingstone Paper no. 21.

de Boeck, F., 1991a, ‘From knots to web: Fertility, life-transmission, health and well-being among the Aluund of southwest Zaire’, academisch proefschrift, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

de Heusch, L., 1958, Essais sur le symbolisme de l’inceste royal en Afrique, Brussels: Université libre de Bruxelles, Institut de Sociologie Solvay.

de Heusch, L., 1972, Le roi ivre ou l’origine de l’Etat, Paris: Gallimard

de Heusch, L., 1978, ‘Les camps de circoncision en Afrique noire’, paper presented at the Conference on Iron-working Bantu-speaking peoples of Southern Africa before 1800, Leiden: University of Leiden and African Studies Centre.

de Heusch, L., 1982, Rois nés d’un coeur de vache, Paris: Gallimard.

de Heusch, L., 1984, ‘Sacraal koningschap als een politiek-symbolische structuur’, Sociologische Gids, 31, 4: 301-14.

de Heusch, L., 1986, ‘Le structuralisme comme méthode comparative en anthropologie’, Revue européenne des sciences sociales/Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, 24, 72: 47-58.

de Mahieu, W., 1985, ‘Towards a semantic approach to the principle of transformation’, in: van Binsbergen zzz& Schoffeleers 1985a: 84-100.

Dennett, R.E., 1906, At the back of the black man’s mind: Or, Notes on the kingly office in West Africa, London: Macmillan

Dittmer, K., 1958, ‘Die Methoden des Wahrsagens im Ober-Volta-Gebiet und seine Beziehung zur Jägerkultur’, Baessler-Archiv, N. F. Bd. 6: 1-60.

Durkheim, E., 1912, Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse, Paris: Presses universitaires de France.

Ehret, Christopher, 1982, ‘Population Movement and Culture Contact in the Southern Sudan, c. 3000 BC to AD 1000: A Preliminary Linguistic Overview.’ In: MACK, J. zzz& ROBERTSHAW, P. (eds.), 1982, Culture History in the Southern Sudan, Archaeology, Linguistics, Ethnohistory. Nairobi: British Institute In Eastern Africa, pp. 19-48.

Engels, F., 1976, Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privatseigentums und des Staats, Marx-Engels Werke, vol. 21, Berlin: Dietz; originally published in 1884; (The origin of the family, private property and the state, Moscow: Progress Publishers, Marx and Engels Selected Works, III, 1969).

Fernandez, J.W., 1978, ‘Imageless ideas in African inquiry’, paper read at the Social Sciences Research Council Conference on Cultural Transformations in Africa, Elkridge.

Fetter, B., 1971, ‘Mwana Lesa among the Lala: A mad prophet in an ailing society’, paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting, African Studies Association, Denver, November 1971.

Fontenrose, J., 1980, Python: A study of Delphic myth and its origins, Berkeley etc.: University of California Press; paperback edition, reprint of the 1959 first edition

Fraser, H. M., 1950, ‘The story of the progress of beekeeping before 1800’. Bee World 31, 5: 33 8

Gamer-Wallert, I., 1977, ‘Fische, religiös’, in W. Helck and E. Otto, Lexikon der Ägyptologie, vol. II, cols. 228-34.

Garbutt, H.W., 1911, ‘Native customs in Nyasa (Manganja) Yao (Achawa)’, Rhodesia Scientific Association, Proceedings vol. 11, part 3: 87-96.

Gelfand, M., 1952, ‘The charm and the bead in African practice’, NADA (Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department Annual), 29: 18-25.

Gonda, J., 1952, Sanskrit in Indonesia (Nagpur, 1952).

Graves, R., 1988, The White Goddess: A historical grammar of poetic myth, London/Boston: Faber zzz& Faber, reprint of 1961 edition, first published 1948

Haggard, H.R., 1967, King Solomon’s Mines, New York: Airmont; reprint of the 1885 first edition.

Harris, M., 1978, Kannibalen en koningen, Utrecht/ Antwerpen: Amsterdam Boek; Ned. tr. van: Cannibals and kings: The origins of culture, New York: Random House.

Heintze, B. (ed.), 1973, The history of the Chewa (Mbiri ya Achewa) by S.J. Ntara, Wiesbaden: Steiner.

Henige, D., 1982, Oral historiography, London/New York/Lagos: Longman.

Herbert, J., 1963, ‘Mythologie de l’hindouisme’, in: Grimal, P., 1963, ed., Mythologies de la Méditerranée au Gange, Paris: Larousse, pp. 221-261

Hiernaux, J., zzz& E. Maquet, 1960, ‘Cultures préhistoriques de l’âge des métaux au Ruanda-Urundi et au Kivu (Congo Belge), Académie royale des Scineces d’Outre-Mer, Mémoires in 8°, N.S., tome x, fasc. 2, Bruxelles.

Holleman, T, 1998, De Neanderthaler: Een verguisde pionier, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press

Horton, M., 1991, ‘Africa in Egypt: New Evidence from Qasr Ibrim’, in: Davies, W.V., ed., Egypt and Africa: Nubia from prehistory to Islam,

Janzen, J.M., 1985, ‘The consequences of literacy in African religion: The Kongo case’, in: van Binsbergen zzz& Schoffeleers, 1985a: 225-52.

Kammerzell F., 1994, Panther Loewe und Sprachentwicklung im Neolithikum, Goettingen, Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 1.

Kaplony, P., 1963, Die Inschriften der ägyptischen Frühzeit, Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 8, Bd. 1-3, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz

Kees, H., 1977, Der Götterglaube im alten Ägypten, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 7th impr., first published 1941

Kent, R., 1970, Early kingdoms in Madagascar 1500-1700, New York: Holt, Rinehart zzz& Winston.

Krige, E.J, zzz& J.D. Krige, 1943, The realm of a rain queen: A study of the pattern of Lovedu society, London: Oxford University Press.

Lancaster, C.S., 1974, ‘Ethnic identity, history, and ‘‘tribe’’ in the Middle Zambezi Valley’, American Ethnologist, 1: 707-730.

Lancaster, C.S., zzz& A. Pohorilenko, 1977, ‘Ingombe Ilede and the Zimbabwe culture’, International Journal of African Historical Studies, x, 1: 1-30.

Le Scouézec, G., H. Larcher zzz& R. Alleau, 1965, Encyclopédie de la divination, n.p.: Tchou.

Lévi-Strauss, C., 1962, Le totémisme aujourd’hui, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Lewis, B.,  1976, The world of Islam: Faith, people, culture, London: Thames zzz& Hudson

MacGaffey, W., 1970, Custom and government in the Lower Congo, Los Angeles: University of California Press.

MacGaffey, W., 1977, ‘Fetishism revisited: Kongo nkisi in sociological perspective’, Africa,  47, 2: 140-152.

MacGaffey, W., 1986a, ‘Lulendo: The recovery of a Kongo nkisi’, paper presented at the Second Satterthwaite Colloquium on African Religion and Ritual, Satterthwaite (Cumbria, UK), April 1986.

MacGaffey, W., 1986b, ‘Complexity, astonishment and power: Kongo minkisi concretely’, paper presented at the Conference on Culture and Consciousness in Southern Africa, University of Manchester, Manchester, September 1986.

Marks, S., 1976, Large mammals and a brave people, Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Meuli, K., 1975, ‘Die gefesselten Goetter (1961)’, in: T. Gelzer, 1975, ed., K. Meuli Gesammelte Schriften, II, Basel-Stuttgart: Schwabe, p.  1035-1081

Middleton, K., 1994, ‘Tombs, umbilical cords, and the syllable fo’, paper presented at the congress on Malagasy cultural identity from the Asian perspective, Leiden, 28-29 March 1994. [ ws .heb ik ook de gepubliceerdeversie ] 

Mitchell, J.C., 1971, ‘Foreword’, in: van Velsen 1971: v-xiv.

Moyo, P.C., T.W.C. Sumaili, zzz& J.A. Moody (eds.), 1986, Oral traditions in Southern Africa, vol. I: Overview of proceedings, country reports and recommendations; vol. II: Aesthetics, language and literature; vol. III: Archaeology, archives and history; vol IV: Education, media and oral traditions, Lusaka: Institute for African Studies.

Munday, J.T., 1961, ‘Kankomba’, in: Apthorpe 1961: 1-40.

Newberry, P.E. zzz& Wainwright, G.A., 1914, ‘King Udy-mu (Den) and the Palermo Stone’, Ancient Egypt, 1914: 148-155

Pennick, N., 1992, Secret games of the gods: Ancient ritual systems in board games, York Beach (Maine): Weiser, reprint of the 1989 ed; first published London: Century, 1988.

Petrie, W.M.F., 1914, ‘Egypt in Africa, II’, Ancient Egypt, iv: 159-170.

Pinch, G., 1994, Magic in Ancient Egypt, London: British Museum Press.

Ranger, T.O., 1975, ‘The Mwana Lesa movement of 1975’, in: T.O. Ranger zzz& J. Weller (eds.), Themes in the Christian history of Central Africa, London: Heinemann, pp. 45-75.

Ranger, T.O., 1979, ‘Developments in the historical study of African religion: Relations of production and religious change in Central Africa’, in: Religion and Change in African Societies: Proceedings of a seminar held in the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, 27th and 28th April, 1979, Edinburgh: Centre of African Studies, pp. 1-18.

Ranger, T.O., 1985, ‘Religious studies and political economy: The Mwari cult and the peasant experience in Southern Rhodesia’, in: van Binsbergen zzz& Schoffeleers 1985: 287-321.

Rasing, T., 1995, Passing on the rites of passage: Girls’ initiation rites in the context of an urban Roman Catholic community on the Zambian Copperbelt, Leiden/London: African Studies Centre/Avebury.

Richards, A.I., 1939, Land, labour and diet in Northern Rhodesia, London: Oxford University Press.

Roberts, A.D., 1971, ‘Firearms in north-eastern Zambia before 1900’, Transafrican Journal of History, 1, 2: 3-21.

Roberts, A.D., 1973, A history of the Bemba, London: Longman.

Sahlins, M., 1965, ‘On the sociology of primitive exchange’, in: M. Banton (ed.), The relevance of models for social anthropology, London: Tavistock, A.S.A. Monographs no. 1, pp. 139-236.

Sahlins, M., 1983, ‘Other times, other customs: The anthropology of history’, American Anthropologist, 85, 3: 517-544.

Schoffeleers, J.M., 1985, ‘Oral history and the retrieval of the distant past: On the use of legendary chronicles as sources of historical information’, in: van Binsbergen zzz& Schoffeleers 1985:164-188.

Schoffeleers, J.M., 1996, ‘The healer Billy Goodson Chisupe and the post-Banda crisis of expectations in Malawi’, in: Antropologie als passie: Studiedag ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Ineke van Wetering, Amsterdam: Vakgroep Culturele Antropologie/Sociologie der Niet-Westerse Samenlevingen, Vrije Universiteit, pp. 51-74

Shinnie, P. L., 1971. “The Legacy to Africa.” In The Legacy of Egypt, 2d ed., edited by J. R. Harris, 434-55. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Shreeve, J., 1996, The Neandertal enigma?: Solving the mystery of modern human origins, New York: Morrow/ Viking

Strouhal, E., 1993, Leven in het oude Egypte, Haarlem: Becht; Ned. vert. van Life in ancient Egypt, 1992, London: Cambridge University Press

ten Raa, E., 1969, ‘The moon as a symbol of life and fertility in Sandawe thought’, Africa, vol. xxxix, 1969, pp. 24-53.,

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1985, Gezin en verwantschap in Zambia, 32 pp, Enschede/ Alkmaar: Stichting voor de leerplanontwikkeling (SLO)/Centrum voor internationale vorming (CEVNO); katern 6 of: K. Zwaga zzz& H. Hooghoff, eds, Afrika, Zambia bij voorbeeld: Over leven in een ontwikkelingsland: Een voorbeelduitwerking van het themaveld international verhoudingen voor docenten maatschappijleer MAVO/LBO, Educatief Project Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (EPOS), Enschede/ Alkmaar: Stichting voor de leerplanontwikkeling (SLO)/ Centrum voor internationale vorming (CEVNO). 

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1992, ‘De onderzoeker als spin, of als vlieg, in het web van de andere cultuur: naar aanleiding van Filip de Boecks medische etnografie van het Lunda gebied’ Medische Antropologie, 4, 2, Winter 1992: 255-267

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994, ‘Dynamics of African cultural and ethnic identity in a context of globalization’, section ‘Identity, knowledge and ideas’, African research futures: Postcolonialism and identity, Second Inter-University Colloquium, International Centre for Contemporary Cultural Research, Manchester, 13-16 May 1994, organized by the Standing Committee on University Studies of Africa (SCUSA), in collaboration with the Netherlands Association for African Studies and the African Studies Centre, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 21 pp

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1994, ‘Dynamiek van cultuur: Enige dilemma’s van hedendaags Afrika in een context van globalisering’, contribution to a special issue entitled ‘De dynamiek van de cultuur’, guest editors L. Brouwer zzz& I. Hogema, Antropologische Verkenningen, 13, 2: 17-33, 1994

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1995, ‘Popular culture in Africa: Dynamics of African cultural and ethnic identity in a context of globalization’, in: J.D.M. van der Klei, ed, Popular culture: Africa, Asia zzz& Europe: Beyond historical legacy and political innocence, Proceedings Summer-school 1994, Utrecht: CERES, 1995, pp. 7-40

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, ‘Ideology of ethnicity in Central Africa’, in: Middleton, J.M., ed., Encyclopaedia of Africa south of the Sahara, New York: Scribners, vol. 2, pp. 91-99

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, ‘Verzoening: Perspectieven vanuit de culturele antropologie van Afrika’, In de marge: Tijdschrift voor levensbeschouwing en wetenschap, theme issue on ‘verzoening’ (reconciliation), 6, 4, 1997, pp. 28-39

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997, Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: Aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa, The Hague: WOTRO, Working papers on Globalisation and the construction of communal identity, 3, ISSN 1386-9515, xii+96 pp

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1998, ‘Globalization and virtuality: Analytical problems posed by the contemporary transformation of African societies’, in: Meyer, B., zzz& Geschiere, P., eds., Globalization and idenity: Dialectics of flow and closure, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 273-303; also published as: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1998, ‘Globalization and virtuality: Analytical problems posed by the contemporary transformation of African societies’, in: Meyer, B., zzz& Geschiere, P., eds., Globalization and identity: Dialectics of flows and closures, special issue, Development and Change, 29, 4, October 1998, pp. 873-903

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘Culturen bestaan niet’: Het onderzoek van interculturaliteit als een openbreken van vanzelfsprekendheden, oratie ‘grondslagen van interculturele filosofie’, Rotterdam: Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Rotterdamse Filosofische Studies XXIV, 1999, 48 pp (inaugural lecture, Rotterdam); greatly revised and expanded English version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2002, ‘Cultures do not exist’: Exploding self-evidences in the investigation of interculturality’, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, special issue on ‘Language and culture’, 13 (1999), 1-2: 37-114; subsequently incorporated in Wim van Binsbergen’s book Intercultural encounters (2003); also: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘Cultures do not exist: Exploding self-evidences in the research of interculturality’, paper read at the ‘Seminar on culture and globalisation’, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 21st April, 1999; also: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, ‘Cultures do not exist: Exploding self-evidences in the research of interculturality’, paper read at the Colloque etc., Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, in collaboration with Université Laval (Québec, Canada) en MSH, Paris, 17 May, 1999; also Italian version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2002, ‘Le culture non esistono: Critica dell’autoevidenza negli studi interculturali’, in: Miltenburg, A.F.M., ed., Incontri di sguardi: Saperi e pratiche dellíntercultura, Padova: Unipress/Master in Studi Interculturali, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Padova, pp. 5-51

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2002, ‘From an African bestiary to universal science? Cluster analysis opens up a world-wide historical perspective on animal symbolism in divine attributes, divination sets, and in the naming of clans, constellations, zodiacs, and lunar mansions’ (currently being prepared for publication as a small book; meanwhile at:

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, ‘The dynamics of power and the rule of la in Africa and beyond: Theoretical perspectives on chiefs, the state, agency, customary law, and violence’, in: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., with the collaboration of Pelgrim, R., ed., The dynamics of power and the rule of law: Essays on Africa and beyond: In honour of Emile Adrian B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Berlin/Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 9-47

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004, ‘African spirituality’, in: Polylog: Internet Journal for Intercultural Philosophizing, issue 4, March 2004; also Spanish version: van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004, ‘El spiritualidad africano’, in: Polylog: Internet Journal for Intercultural Philosophizing, issue 4, March 2004

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., in collaboration with Riekje Pelgrim, 2003, ed., The dynamics of power and the rule of law: Essays on Africa and beyond: in honour of Emile Adriaan van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Berlin/Muenster: LIT for African Studies Centre, Leiden, 337 pp., bibliographies, index of proper names, author index

van Binsbergen, W.M.J., zzz& Geschiere, P.L., 1985b, ‘Marxist theory and anthropological practice’, in: van Binsbergen zzz& Geschiere, van Binsbergen, W.M.J., zzz& Geschiere, P.L., eds., Old Modes of Production and Capitalist Encroachment, London/Boston: Kegan Paul International, pp. 235-289.

van Bulck, P.G., 1949, Manuel de linguistique bantoue, Bruxelles: Falk/van Campenhout

van Velsen, J., 1971, The politics of kinship: A study of social manipulation among the Lakeside Tonga of Malawi, Manchester: Manchester University Press, reprint of the 1964 edition.

Vansina, J., 1965, Oral tradition, London: Routledge zzz& Kegan Paul.

Vansina, J., 1983, ‘Is elegance proof? Structuralism and African history’, History in Africa, 10: 307-348.

Vansina, J., 1985, Oral tradition as history, London/Nairobi: James Currey/Heinemann Kenya.

Vieyra, M., 1963, ‘La mythologie en Sumer, à Babylone et chez les Hittites’, in: Grimal, P., 1963, ed., Mythologies de la Méditerranée au Gange, Paris: Larousse, pp. 58-83

von Sicard, H., 1951, ‘Mambo Dyembewu’, Proceedings of the Rhodesian Scientific Association, 43: 175-213.

Weber, M., 1969, The theory of social and economic organization, New York/London: The Free Press/Collier-Macmillan, reprint of the 1964 paperback edition.

Wilkins, W.J., 2000, Hindu Mythology: Vedic and Puranic, second edition, 20th impr., first published 1882

Wilkinson, Early Dynastic Egypt,

Willis, R., 1976, On historical reconstruction from oral-traditional sources: A structuralist approach, Evanston: Northwestern University, Twelfth Melville Herskovits Memorial Lecture.

Woodburn, J., 1980, ‘Hunters and gatherers today and the reconstruction of the past’, in: E.A.  Gellner, ed., Soviet and western anthropology, London: Duckworth, pp. 95-117.


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