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Seminar papers, conference papers, public lectures etc. especially in so far as not subsequently published, by Wim van Binsbergen |
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NOTE. The more recent and major publications in this list of publications are available on the internet. This list is now being provided with clickable links to these uploaded publications. Since that process has not yet been completed, of many articles listed below fulltext or draft versions are available in the Shikanda portal, even though no links yet appear in the list below. Therefore, please also look at the separate webpages within the Shikanda portal, and use the internal search facility (see below).
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updated: November 2009
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1968, Sociale ongelijkheid en stratificatie in het
bergland van N.W. Tunesië, postgraduate seminar paper,
University of Amsterdam, Anthropological Sociological Centre,
mimeo, 9 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1969, Religie en samenleving in N.W.
Tunesië, postgraduate seminar paper, University of
Amsterdam, Anthropological Sociological Centre, mimeo, 14 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1970b, Segmentation, territoriality, and unilineal
descent: social organization in the highlands of N.W.
Tunisia, seminar paper, University of Amsterdam,
Anthropological Sociological Centre, 42 pp.
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1972, Bituma: preliminary notes on a healing
movement among the Nkoya of Kaoma district and of Lusaka,
Zambia, paper read at the University of Zambia/ University
of California Los Angeles conference on the history of Central
African religious systems, Lusaka, 16 pp
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1972, Possession and Mediumship in Zambia: Towards a Comparative Approach, paper read at Conference on the History of Central African Religious Systems, University of Zambia/University of California Los Angeles, Lusaka; revised version in: van Binsbergen, 1981, Religious change in Zambia: Exploratory studies, Lndon/Boston: Kegan Paul International, ch. 2, pp. 75-99
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1974, Kinship, marriage and urban-rural relations:
A preliminary study of law and social control among the Nkoya of
Kaoma district and of Lusaka, Zambia, paper read at the
Conference on Family Law in Africa, African Studies Centre
Conference Papers Series, Leiden: African Studies Centre
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1975, a, Labour migration and the generation
conflict: social change in Western Zambia, paper read at
the 34th Annual Meeting, Society for Applied Anthropology,
Amsterdam, 22 pp.
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1975b, Ethnicity as a dependent variable: the
Nkoya ethnic identity and interethnic relations in
Zambia, paper read at the 34th Annual Meeting, Society for
Applied Anthropology, Amsterdam, 32 pp
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1976, The Nuer beschouwd vanuit de
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1978, Class formation and the penetration of
capitalism in a Zambian rural district, paper read at the
seminar on Class Formation in Africa, 18-19 May, 1978, Leiden:
African Studies Centre, 32 + 5 pp
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J.,
1979, Malawian suitor studies: some comments, paper
presented at the Africa seminar, November 1979, Leiden: African
Studies Centre, 11 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1981, Theoretical and experiential dimensions in
the study of the ancestral cult among the Zambian Nkoya,
paper read at the symposium on Plurality in Religion,
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Intercongress, Amsterdam, 22-25 April, 1981, 22 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1984, A Zambian chiefs court as a nexus of
the articulation of modes of production: An exercise in the
ethnography of articulation, paper presented at the
Workshop on State penetration at the local level in Africa,
Antwerp, 20-21 December 1984, 14 pp
Doornbos, M.R,
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., & G.S.C.M. Hesseling, 1985,
Ideology and identity in constitutional language: Some
francophone African examples, paper presented at the
Special Meeting on Constitution Making as a Political
Process, XIIIth International Political Science Association
World Congress, July 1985, Paris, 40 pp.
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1985b, Dynamics of the Tonga-Lozi frontier in the
nineteenth and twentieth century, seminar paper, Leiden,
Africa Colloquium, Netherlands Association of African Studies
(Werkgemeenschap Afrika), 14 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1986, a, Female dimensions of state formation in
Central Western Zambia, c. 1500-1900: And the religious
transformation of womens political power in the nineteenth
and twentieth century, paper, Conference on Culture and
Consciousness in Southern Africa, University of Manchester,
Manchester, 25th September 1986, 42 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1986b, Theoretical inspiration, boundaries and
ethnicity: Preliminary remarks on J.F. Bayarts approach to
politics in contemporary Africa, paper presented at a
seminar with J.-F. Bayart, Department of Political and Historical
Studies, African Studies Centre, Leiden, 27 October 1986, 11 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1987, The shadow you are not supposed to
tread upon: Female initiation and field-work in central
Western Zambia, paper presented at the Third Sattherthwaite
Colloquium on African Religion and Ritual, University of
Manchester/Satterthwaite (Cumbria), 21-24 April, 1987, 28 pp.;
English version of the 1987 article
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1990,
a, Church, cult, and lodge: In quest of therapeutic meaning
in Francistown, Botswana, paper presented at the 6h
Satterthwaite Colloquium on African Religion and Ritual, Cumbria
(U.K.), 21-24 april 1990, 58 p
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1990b, Independent churches, politics and the
articulation of ethnicity in contemporary northeastern
Botswana, centREpol-VU (Centre for the Study of Religion
and Politics, Free University, Amsterdam) formal lecture, 22nd
June 1990, 31 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1990c, Oracular divination with four tablets: an
important diagnostic technique of autochthonous medical systems
in Southern Africa, paper presented at the 8th Convention
on Medical Sociology and Anthropology, Netherlands
Anthropological and Sociological Association, Amsterdam, 23
November 1990, 23 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1990d, African Independent churches and the state
in Botswana, paper presented at the conference on Power and
Prayer, Institute for the Study of Politics and religion, Free
University, Amsterdam, 10-14 December 1990, 44 pp.; also seminar
paper, Botswana Society, Gaborone, July 1991; and seminar paper,
African Studies Centre, Leiden, October 1991
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1991, a, Een terugblik op Theoretical
explorations in African Religion in het licht van
mijn lopend onderzoek in Francistown, Botswana, lezing in
het kader van het Seminar Theorievergelijking,
vakgroep Culturele Antropologie/Niet-westerse Sociologie, Vrije
Universiteit, 11.10.91, 13.00-14.30 uur
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1991b, Etniciteit in Afrika: Inleidende
beschouwingen, mondelinge voordracht ter opening van de
Workshop Etniciteit,
Afrika-Studiecentrum/Werkgemeenschap Afrika (Nederland)/
Belgische Afrikanistenvereniging, 12-13 december 1991, (7 pp. MS)
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1992, a , NGOs
tussen wetenschappelijke kennisproduktie en beleid: Enige
sociaal-wetenschappelijke opmerkingen over
niet-overheidsorganisaties in Afrika, inleiding voor de
conferentie: Het Medefinancieringsprogramma: Perspectieven
en bevindingen, Den Haag, 15 oktober 1992, georganiseerd
door Interuniversitaire Onderzoeksschool CERES/CIRAN (Centre for
International Research and Advisory Networks)/NRC-Handelsblad, 16
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1992b,
Four-tablet divination as transregional medical technology
in Southern Africa:, mechanics, spread, origin and contemporary
significance, 12 pp. paper read at the Annual Conference,
Association for Anthropology in Southern Africa, University of
Durban-Westville, 16-19 September 1992; also read at the
Symposium Diagnose en Divinatie, Amsterdam,
Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, 27 November 1992
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1993, a, Four-tablet divination as trans-regional
medical technology in Southern Africa: Mechanics, origin, spread
and contemporary significance, paper prepared for the
conference on, Symbols of change: Trans-regional culture
and local practice in Southern Africa, Berlin, Freie
Universität, 7-10 January, 1993, 44 pp.; also seminar paper,
African Studies Centre, 14 January 1993
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1993 b, Aspects of democracy and democratization in
Zambia and Botswana: exploring African political culture at the
grassroots, paper prepared for the studiedag
Democratisering in Afrika?, African Studies Centre, Leiden,
24 September 1993, 19 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1994, a, Dynamics of African cultural and ethnic
identity in a context of globalization, : section
Identity, knowledge and ideas, African research
futures: Postcolonialism and identity, Second Inter-University
Colloquium, International Centre for Contemporary Cultural
Research, Manchester, 13-16 May 1994, organized by the Standing
Committee on University Studies of Africa (SCUSA), in
collaboration with the Netherlands Association for African
Studies and the African Studies Centre, Leiden University, The
Netherlands, 21 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1994b, A formal approach to the historical and
transcultural background of four-tablet divination in Southern
Africa, paper as basis for oral presentation, Netherlands
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social
Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, 7 november 1994, 24 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1994c, The astrological origin of the geomantic
family of Old World divination systems, seminar paper,
theme group on Magic and religion in the Ancient Near
East, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the
Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, 6 december
1994, 48 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995, a, Divination and board-games: Exploring the
links between geomantic divination and mancala board-games in
Africa and Asia, 29 pp, paper ead at the international
colloquium 1995: Board-games in Academia, Leiden, 9-13
April 1995; also seminar paper, Research Centre on Religion and
Society, University of Amsterdam, 10 May, 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995b, Anthropological appropriation, paper
read at the Table ronde sur Colonialisme et
anthropologie, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, Parijs, Université Paris VI, 19-22 februari 1995, 12
pp.; also as: Anthropological appropriation, formal
lecture in the Ph.D. course philosophy of the social
sciences, CNWS/CERES, Leiden, 14 March 1995
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995c, The anthropology of the post-colonial
subject in Botswana, paper presented at the seminar
The anthropology of the (post-)colonial in Southern Africa:
A seminar with Jean Comaroff and Wim van Binsbergen, Leiden
University, International Centre/CNWS/ASC, 17 March 1995, 15 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995d, Theorie als totem: Een etnografisch
pleidooi, formal lecture in the seminar Westerse
modellen en niet-westerse werkelijkheid, CERES/CNWS,
Leiden, 25 January 1995, 6 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995f, Globalisation avant la lettre? The case of
Islamic geomancy and its world-wide spread, ca. 900-1995
CE, paper read at the conference on: The global
oikumene and the spread of knowledge, organised by the
Department of Social Anthropology, University of Stockholm, on
behalf of the Netherlands/Stockholm/Chicago network on
globalisation, Sigtuna (Sweden), 9-12 September 1995, 10 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995g, Cultuur als stokpaard? naar aanleiding van
Frits Seliers stuk Het antropologisch cultuurbegrip:
Enkele opvattingen , paper read at the
departmental symposium Hedendaagse opvattingen over het
antropologisch cultuurbegrip, department of cultural
anthropology/sociology of development, Free University, 15
December 1995, 11 pp
Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1995h, Globalisation and decivilisation
in urban Botswana: Towards a transcultural aesthetics?,
paper read at the EIDOS (European Interuniversity Development
Opportunity Studies network) Conference on globalisation and
decivilisation, Agricultural University Wageningen, The
Netherlands, 14-16 December 1995, 20 pp.
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995i, professor en toverdokter, performance
at the Rotterdam Festival, state room of the Rotterdam Town Hall,
16 September 1995. [ performance on the authors combined
identity of professor and African spirit medium ]
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995j, Divinatie antropologisch bezien,
lecture in the course Divinatie en macht for
post-graduate students reading Ancient History, Assyriologie,
Classical Languages etc, Free University Amsterdam &
Municipal University Amsterdam, 11 October 1995 [ an
anthropological perspective on divination ]
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1995k, Antropologie en geschiedenis:
paradigmas en ambachtelijkheid, lecture delivered
before the Ph.D. candidates seminar, Department of Cultural
Anthropology/Sociology of Development, Free University,
Amsterdam, 1 December 1995, 10 pp [ anthropology and history:
paradigms and craftsmanship ]
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996, a, Globalisation and the construction of
communal identities: Theoretical and methodological
observations, paper presented at the Weekend Conference of
the WOTRO (Netherlands Foundation for Tropical Research)
programme on Globalization and the construction of communal
identities, Bergen, 16-17 February 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996b, Closing remarks, WOTRO international
conference Globalization and the construction of communal
identities, Amsterdam, 29 Februari-2 Maart 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996c, Hoe de logica van het vorstenhof te
verbinden met de logica van de postkoloniale staat: Een
Zambiaanse etnische vereniging als interface tussen vorstelijke
traditie en de moderne buitenwereld, paper gepresenteerd op
de studiedag over Volkshoofden in hedendaags Afrika,
Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden, 7 March 1996, 26 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996d, Theorie en methode bij de studie van
etniciteit, guest lecture, postgraduate colloquium on field
methods, Department of Social Geography, Municipal University of
Amsterdam, 23 January 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996e, Staat en maatschappij, lecture
delivered at the one-day seminar Instabiliteit in
Afrika, Nederlands Instituut voor de Buitenlandse
Betrekkingen Clingendael, Den Haag, 15 Februari 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996f, Traditionele Afrikaanse geneeswijzen en de
biologisch georiënteerde geneeskunde, lecture in the
seminar Geneeskunde en magie, Faculteit der
Wijsbegeerte, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 13 Maart 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996g, Mijn initiatie tot traditioneel genezer: Het
dillemma van distantie en identificatie bij onderzoek van religie
in Zuidelijk Afrika, lecture in the Ph.D. conference
Stromingen en scholen in de moderne
godsdienstwetenschap, Werkgemeenschap Theologie en
Godsdienstwetenschap, Den Haag, 28 Maart 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996h, Africas contribution to world cultural
history: history, myth or future, paper read at the one-day
conference on: Black Athena: Africas contribution to global
systems of knowledge, Leiden, 28 June, 1996, 25 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996i, Virtuality as a key concept in the study of
globalisation: aspects of the symbolic transformation of
contemporary Africa paper to be read at the monthly seminar
of the WOTRO research programme Globalisation and the
construction of communal identities, Institute for the
Study of Religion and Society, Municipal University Amsterdam,
Oude Zijds Achterburgwal 185, 6 May, 1996, 15.00 hrs; 155.000
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996k, Witches, healing, and virtuality: On recent
contributions to the anthropology of African religion by Peter
Geschiere and Matthew Schoffeleers, 41.000 chrs,
co-referents paper read at the Conference at the Occasion
of the Retirement of Ineke van Wetering, Department of Cultural
Anthropology/Sociology of Development, Free University,
Amsterdam, 12 April 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996l, Kosmologie, religie en identiteit in
Zuidelijk Afrika, lecture, national graduate course on
African anthropology, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Instituut voor
Culturele Antropologie, 10 April 1996
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996m, Martin Bernals project and the
reception of Black Athena, internationally and in the
Netherlands, paper read at the international conference
Black Athena: Africas contribution to global systems
of knowledge, Leiden, ASC, 28 June 1996, 14 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996n, The astrological origin of Islamic
geomancy, paper read at The SSIPS [ Society for the
Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science ] / SAGP [ Society of
Ancient Greek Philosophy ] 1996, 15th Annual Conference:
Global and Multicultural Dimensions of Ancient and
Medieval Philosophy and Social Thought: Africana, Christian,
Greek, Islamic, Jewish, Indigenous and Asian Traditions,
Binghamton University, Department of Philosophy/
Center for Medieval and Renaissance studies (CEMERS)
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J.,1996 o, Virtuality as a key concept in the study of
globalisation: aspects of the symbolic transformation of
contemporary Africa, promovendi-seminar, Departement
Sociale en Culturele Antropologie, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, 8.11.96, 9.30-12.00 uur
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1996p, Black Athena and Africas contribution
to global cultural history, openbaar seminar, Departement
Sociale en Culturele Antropologie, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, 7.11.96, 17.00-19.00 uur
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997, van Binsbergen, W.M.J., ed, African Studies Centre:
Self-evaluation report for the years 1992 through 1996,
Leiden: African Studies Centre, 150 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997, Annas room: A case study on becoming a
consumer in Francistown, Botswana, paper presented at the
International Conference on African women and
globalisation, Université Cathologique Louvain-la-Neuve/
Belgische Afrikanistenvereniging, 12-13 december, 1997
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997, Annas room: A case study on becoming a
consumer in Francistown, Botswana, paper presented at the
International Conference on Globalisation, consumption and
development: Or what are collective identities for (The
Hague, March 13-16, 1997), 19 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997m, Annas room: A case study on becoming a
consumer in Francistown, Botswana, paper read at the
seminar of the theme group on globalisation and socio-cultural
transformation, African Studies Centre, 15 May, 1997
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997n, Black Athena: Ten Years After, adress
delivered on the occasion of the formal presentation, to Dr
Timothy Kendall, of Black Athena: Ten Years After, ed. Van
Binsbergen, W.M.J.,), in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, November 14,
1997, in the context of the international exhibition The
Black Pharaos
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997o, De organisatie van verkiezingswaarneming in
Afrika: Verslag van een parallelsessie, mondelinge
voordacht, studiedag over Verkiezingen en verkiezingswaarneming
in Afrika, Den Haag, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 18.2.1997
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997p, De waarde van cultuur: Commodificatie en
globalisering van cultuurproduktie in hedendaags Afrika en
Nederland, lezing in het kader van Studium General, CREA,
Universiteit van Amsterdam, 10 juni 1997, 20.30-22.30 uur, in
samenwerking met Prof.dr A. Klamer
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997q, Ethnicity and identity in Central
Africa, introductory address, international conference on
Identity in Africa, Centrum voor Nietwesterse
Studies/Afrika-Studiecentrum, 22-23 May 1997, 11 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997r, Globalisation and virtuality: Analytical
problems posed by the contemporary transformation of African
societies, with comments on: H.U.B. Thoden van Velzen,
Revenants that cannot be shaken: Collective fantasiesw in a
Maroon society, and on: R. Sánchez, Channel-surfing:
Media, mediumship, and state authority in the María Lionza cult
(Venezuela), monthly seminar, WOTRO programme
Globalization and the construction of communal
identities, Amsterdam, Amsterdam Schol of Social Research,
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997s, Globalisation, consumption, and development:
Key note address, delivered at the International conference
organised by EIDOS (European Interuniversity Development
Opportunities Study-Group)/WOTRO programme on
Globalization and the construction of communal
identities/Afrika-Studiecentrum, 13-16 March, 1997, 9 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997t, Magic: healing and killing: discussion of
four papers[ Bastian, M, Fires, tricksters and poisoned
medicines: Popular cultures of rumor in Onitsha, Nigeria and its
markets; Shaw, R, magic, memory, and the media in Sierra
Leones rebel war; Honwana, A, Spirit possession
and the politics of religious healing in Mozambique;
Schumaker, L, with B. Callahan, Magic healing and killing:
African and western idioms of healing in the Muchape movement,
colonial VD campaigns and the Kalela dance ] at the
conference on Magic and modernity, Amsterdam: Research Centre
Religion and Society, 23-25 June 1997
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997u, Nkoya royal chiefs and the Kazanga Cultural
Association in western central Zambia today: Resilience, decline,
or folklorisation?, promovendi methodologieseminar, Vrije
Universiteit, 3.6.97
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997v, Sensus communis as a desperate struggle for
identity: Lessons from the production of nostalgic political and
artistic forms in rural Zambia today, paper presented
before the Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural
Philosophy, 19 September 1997, 16.00-18.30 hrs, Faculty of
Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 19 pp.
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997w, Sensus communis or sensus dissensionis?: A
critique of Kants concept inspired by a social science
approach to expressive symbolic production, paper presented
at the conference Common sense (sensus communis) in arts
and politics in Western and non-Western philosophies,
organised by the Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural
Philosophy and the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University
Rotterdam, November 21-22, 1997, 16 pp
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997x, Van Zwarte Pharaos naar Black
Athena, lezing in het kader van een serie
donderdagavondlezingen rond de de tentoonstelling Zwarte
Faraos, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, 20.11.97, 20-21.15
Van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1997y, Verzoening: Perspectieven vanuit de
culturele antropologie, paper gepresenteerd op een
studiedag over Verzoening, Bezinningscentrum, Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam, 9 oktober 1997, 97.000 chrs; in the
press, verkorte versie (57.000 chrs), in In de marge, te
verschijnen dec. 1997
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1997z, Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: Aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa, paper gepresenteerd op de interne studiedag van de themagroep globalisering en sociaal-culturele transformaties, Leiden, Afrika-Studiecentrum, 14 februari 1997YES
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 1997, Re-anthropologising Lyotards and Kants concept of consensus communis for the sake of intercultural philosophy, paper prepared for the conference Common sense (sensus communis) in arts and politics in Western and non-Western philosophies, organised by the Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy and the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam, November 21-22, 1997
Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1998,
'Mediation and social organisation in the politics of culture:
Scenes from Southern African life, paper read at the
Workshop on Media and Mediation in the Politics of
Culture, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta,
India, March 4-7, 1998, 24 pp.
van Binsbergen, W.M.J.,
1998, The African connection in global cultural history:
Towards an Africanist redefinition of Martin Bernals Black
Athena thesis, paper read at the ASC seminar, Leiden,
23.4.98, 15.00-17.00 hrs
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Islam as a globalising project: African
perspectivives, paper read at the internal study day on
Islam and globalisation, theme group on globalisation and
socio-cultural transformations, ASC, Leiden, 29.4.98
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Naar een theologie van de
antropologie?, voordracht op het symposium ter gelegenheid
van de zeventigste verjaardag van Prof.dr J.M. Schoffeleers,
Academiegebouw, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 29.8.98
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, participation in a panel discussion at the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, for the seminar Globalization and
cultural diversity, 8.5.98, 15.00-17.00 hrs
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Antropologie tussen theorie en methode,
afscheidscollege Vrije Universiteit, 15.10.98; ter gelegenheid
van dit afscheidscollege werd een symposium georganiseerd over de
inspiratie van en kritiek op mijn antropologisch werk, onder de
titel Is antropologie meer dan een methode, Vrije
Universiteit, 15.10.98, 13.00-18.00 uur.
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Computers in Africa: Een bijdrage van uit de
interculturele filosofie, paper gepresenteerd voor de
studiegroep Filosofie van Informatie en COmmunicatie
Technologie, Vakgroep Filosofie van Mens en Cultuur,
Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, EUR, 18.10.98
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Witchcraft in modern Africa as virtualised
boundary conditions of the kinship order, paper read at the
panel on Epistemological approaches to the study of African
witchcraft, African Studies Association Annual Meeting,
Chicago, 27th October - 1st November 1998
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Enige opmerkingen over etniciteit en grenzen
in hedendaags Afrika, key note address, ASC/Ministry of
Foreign Affairs seminar on Ethnicity and boundaries in
contemporary Africa, Leiden, 13 November, 1998
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, membership of the panel on policy and research,
ASC/Ministry of Foreign Affairs seminar on Ethnicity and
boundaries in contemporary Africa, Leiden, 13 November, 1998
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Computers inAfrika, paper gepresenteerd
voor de themagroep globalisering, ASC, 16.11.98
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, (W. van Binsbergen & F. Wiggermann) Magic
in history: The case of ancient Mesopotamia, paper read at
the bi-weekly seminar of the Research Centre on Religion and
Society, Amsterdam University, 20.11.98, 15.00-17.00 hrs
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Annas room: A case study on becoming a
female consumer in Francistown, Botswana, paper read at the
session on womens studies, CODESRIA [ Commission on the
Development of Social Science Research in Africa ] General
Assembly, Dakar 14-18 December 1998
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1998, Is witchcraft in modern Africa uniquely to be
explained by reference to globalisation?, paper prepared
for the CODESRIA [ Commission on the Development of Social
Science Research in Africa ] General Assembly, Dakar 14-18
December 1998
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Divinatie and traditionele geneeskunst in
Zuidelijk Afrika, paper gepresenteerd op de Studiedag over
Inclusieve Wetenschap, organised by the Centre Leo Apostel
(Gendt, Belgum) en SOA, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, 5
maart 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Cultures do not exist: Exploding
self-evidences in the research of interculturality, paper
read at the Seminar on culture and globalisation,
Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 21st April, 1999
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 1999, Reconciliation as a major African social technology of shared and recognised humanity (ubuntu), paper delivered at the Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa, 21st April, 1999 YES
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Cultures do not exist: Exploding
self-evidences in the research of interculturality, paper
read at the Colloque etc., Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, in collaboration with Université Laval (Québec,
Canada) en MSH, Paris, 17 May, 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, discussant of three papers on antropology and
psychoanalysis at the conference The return of the
repressed: On the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Bonno
Thoden van Velzen, Amsterdam School for Social Research, 10
June, 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, key note address, conference Commodification
and identities, Amsterdam: WOTRO programme
Globalization and the construction of communal
identities, 11 June, 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, We are in this for the
money: The sangoma mediumistic cult of Southern
Africa: limitations and potential of an interpretation in terms
of commodification, paper, conference Commodification
and identities, Amsterdam: WOTRO programme
Globalization and the construction of communal
identities, 12 June, 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, convenors concluding remarks, conference
Commodification and identities, Amsterdam: WOTRO
programme Globalization and the construction of communal
identities, 13 June, 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, The Janus situation in local-level
development organization in Africa: Some reflections inspired by
the situation in Kaoma district, western central Zambia --
paper for the Wageningen international conference on decision
making in local management of natural resources, 22-24 September,
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Islam as a constitutive factor in so-called
African traditional religion and culture: The evidence from
geomantic divination, mankala boardgames, ecstatic religion, and
musical instruments, paper for the conference on
Transformation processes and Islam in Africa, African
Studies Centre and Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern
World, Leiden, 15 October, 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Introductory remarks on behalf of the
convenors, oral presentation for the conference on
Transformation processes and Islam in Africa, African
Studies Centre and Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern
World, Leiden, 15 October, 1999
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, In search of spirituality: Provisional
conceptual and theoretical explorations from the cultural
anthropology of religion and the history of ideas, paper,
Research Group on Spirituality, Dutch-Flemish Association for
Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden, Friday, 29 October 1999, 16.00
hrs, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Philosophical Faculty
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Theoretical and experiential dimensions in
the study of the ancestral cult among the Zambian Nkoya,
paper, Research Group on Spirituality, Dutch-Flemish Association
for Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden, Friday, 29 October 1999,
16.00 hrs, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Philosophical Faculty
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, (van Binsbergen, W.M.J. & Peter Geschiere)
Outline of a modes-of-production approach to ideology,
belief and ritual, paper, Research Group on Spirituality,
Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden,
Friday, 29 October 1999, 16.00 hrs, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Philosophical Faculty
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Enige filosofische aspecten van culturele
globalisering: Met bijzondere verwijzing naar Malls
interculturele hermeneutiek, bijdrage Nederlands-Vlaamse
filosofiedag (thema globalisering), 30 oktober 1999,
Katholieke Universiteit Tilburg Faculteit Wijsbegeerte.
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Les chefs royaux nkoya et lAssociation
culturelle Kazanga dans la Zambie du centre-ouest
aujourdhui: Résiliation, déclin ou folklorisation de la
fonction du chef traditionnel?, paper presented at the
Colloque sur Nouvelles Perspectives sur la chefferie en Afrique,
Paris, Centre de Recherches Africaines, 9-2 Novembre, 1999
(presented in absentia)
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Globalisering en interculturele
filosofie, lezing voor de Alumni vereniging van de EUR ter
gelegenheid van de afsluiting van het Academisch Jaar 1998-99,
Rotterdam, EUR, 13.30-14.30
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 1999, Voodoo bestaat niet: Enige aspecten van
Westafrikaanse religie met bijzondere nadruk op Edo State,
Nigeria, lezing voor de Regionale Unit Mensenhandel en
Mensensmokkel, Politie Zwolle, 3.11.99
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, ICT en interculturele filosofie: Een
Afrikaanse verkenning, paper presented at the conference on
the Philosophy of Information and CommunicationTechnology,
Rotterdam, Philosophical Faculty, 17.1.2000
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, ICT, globalisation and intercultural
philosophy: An African exploration, paper read at the
monthly seminar of the WOTRO programme on Globalization and
the construction of communal identities, Leiden, 4.2.2000
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, discussant van het paper van P. Pels,
Imagining the local, the global, the national and the
state, WOTRO, globalisation seminar, 3 maart 2000
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, Amkoullel -- In het spoor van de
vertellers: Leven en werk van Amadou Hampaté
Bâ, lezing ter gelegenheid van de publicatie van de
Nederlandse vertaling van A. Hampaté Bâ, In het voetspoor van
de vertellers, 28 maart 2000, Scheveningen, Museum Beelden aan
Zee, in samenwerking met Uitgevberij De Geus, 20.15-21.00 uur
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, Derrida on religion: Perspectives on
interculturality, paper presented at the Dutch-Flemish
Association For Intercultural Philosophy, Research group on
Spirituality, Meeting of 28 April 2000, Philosophical faculty,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 16.00 hrs
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, What remains of Afrocentrism after the book
by Mr Stephen Howe, paper presented at the Rencontre sur
lAfrocentrisme, Centre de Recherches Africaines,
Université Paris -I (Sorbonne), Paris, 2 May 2000
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, ICT and intercultural philosophy: An African
exploration, paper read at the department of philosophy,
University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, 28 juni 2000
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, Globalization and virtuality: On becoming an
urban consumer in Francistown, Botswana, seminar given at
the department of social antropology, University of Bergen,
Bergen, Norway, 28 September 2000, 14.15-17.00 hrs
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, Professor becomes African witchdoctor and
lives happily ever after: fairy-tale or invitation to an
epistemological critique of anthropology, seminar given at
the department of social antropology, University of Bergen,
Bergen, Norway, 29 September 2000, 12.15-15.00 hrs
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, Creating a place to feel at
home: Christian church life and social control in
Lusaka, Zambia (1970s), paper read at the international
conference on Trajectoires de libération en Afrique
contemporaine, Leiden, 15-16 december 2000
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, African spirituality: An intercultural
approach, paper presented at the Dutch-Flemish Association
For Intercultural Philosophy, Research group on Spirituality,
Meeting of 6 June 2000, Philosophical faculty, Erasmus University
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2000, Bonnet rouge, où va-tu? Enige opmerkingen
bij een etnografische film van Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal
over volkshoofdschap in Burkina Faso, lezing, Koninklijk
Instituut voor de Tropen, 19 december 2000
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, Culturen bestaan
niet: Implicaties voor de rechtssociologische studie
van sociale cohesie, seminar, Onderzoeksschool
rechtssociologie en rechtsfilosofie, Universiteit van Amsterdam,
vakgroep rechtssociologie, 17.1.2001, 15.30-18.00 uur
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, An incomprehensible miracle: Central
African clerical intellectualism and African historic religion: A
close reading of Valentin Mudimbes Tales of Faith, paper
read at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
London, 1st February, 2001, 17.00-19.00 hrs, as the opening
lecture in a series of four, entitled Reading
Mudimbe, organised by Louis Brenner and Kai Kresse; revised
versions were also read: at the departmental meeting, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, Philosophical Faculty, Department of
Philosophy of Man and Culture, 19 februari 2001; at the
departmental meeting, theme group on globalisation, African
Studies Centre, 27 September, 2001; and again at SOAS, 15 May,
2001, in the presence of an with stimulating comments from,
Mudimbe himself
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, Afrikaanse spiritualiteit: Tussen
therapeutische praktijk en intercultureel-filosofische
reflectie, lezing, Rotterdam Spiritueel Café, gebouw De
Heuvel, Grote Kerkplein 5, 18.2.2001, 14.00-16.30 uur
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, ICT and intercultural philosophy: An African
exploration, paper read at the ASC seminar, 15.2.2001,
15.00-17.00 hrs
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, Cosmopolitanism before and after
Cosmopolis, paper presented at the international conference
on Cosmopolitanism and the Nation-state, orsganised by the Prince
Claus Fund and the Asian Development Research Institute, Patna,
Bihar, India, 26.2.2001
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, We are in this for the money: Commodification
in the Southern African sangoma cult, and
Introduction: Commodification and identities, two
papers read at the seminar of the theme group on globalisation,
African Studies Centre, 22/11/2001
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, Noordatlantische wetenschap als
etno-wetenschap: Een intercultureel-filosofische reflectie op
Sandra Harding, paper read at the seminar on Kennis
en Cultuur (Knowledge and culture), Annual Meeting,
Netherlands Association for the Philosophy of Science, Utrecht,
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, Africa alive: The lasting vitality of African
expressive culture, paper read at the Studium Generale,
Week on Africa, Rotterdam, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, 13.11.2001
van Binsbergen,
W.M.J., 2001, The spectre of neo-diffusionism is haunting
globalisation studies, paper read at the African Studies
Centre Seminar, Leiden, 20.12.2001, in response to J.-L.
Amselles paper Globalisation and culture, based
on his recent book Amselle, J.-L., 2001, Branchements:
Anthropologie de luniversalité des cultures, Paris:
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2002, Aspects
of ethnicity in Africa today, lecture delivered at the
Institute for West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China, 14
October 2002
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2002, Aspects
of religion in Africa today, lecture delivered at the
Institute for West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China, 15
October 2002
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2002, The
tension between the North Atlantic and the global: From the
perspective of African Studies en intercultural philosophy,
paper read at the International Conference on Culture and
Development, Faculty of Business, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir,
Turkey, May 2, 2002
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2002, From an
African bestiary to universal science? Cluster analysis opens up
a world-wide historical perspective on animal symbolism in divine
attributes, divination sets, and in the naming of clans,
constellations, zodiacs, and lunar mansions (currently
being prepared for publication as a small book; meanwhile at:
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003,
Manchester as a birth place of agency, paper read at
the International Workshop Agency: An new, an old
issue, convenors Van Binsbergen, W.M.J., RIjk van Dijk
& Wouter van Beek, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, chair of
intercultural philosophy, and African Studies Centre, theme group
on Agency in Africa, Rotterdam, 16 June 2003
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Mi-figues,
Mi-raisins: Loscillation des Africaines éduquées entre
les desseins féminins traditionnels et cosmopolites, joint
seminar by Julie Duran-Ndaya Tshiteku (African Studies Centre,
Leiden/Erasmus University Rotterdam), Cécile Dolisane-Ebossé
Nyambé (Université de Toulouse), and Van Binsbergen, W.M.J.
(African Studies Centre, Leiden/Erasmus University Rotterdam)
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, African
Spirits op het spreekuur: winti, voodoo & witchcraft,
bijdrage aan gelijknamig symposium, Calypso, Mauritsweg 5,
Rotterdam, organised by Studium Generale, Erasmus
Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR), Presentator: dr. Otmar Buyne
(psychiatrist); 9 October 2003
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden in de dialoog over waarden, key note op de conferentie Normen van waarde in onderwijs en opvoeding: Interreligieuze conferentie van het Christelijk College Henegouwen, het Melanchthon College en het Rotterdamse Studentenpastoraat (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) over waarden en normen in de verschillende religie, 30 October 2003
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003,
The leopards unchanging spots: Long range comparitive
research as a possible clue to enduring patterns of African
agency, PowerPoint-based seminar, core group, theme group
on Agency in Africa, African Studies Centre, Leiden, 10:00, 4
december 2003, ; click
to access the full Internet version of this slide presentation
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003,
The leopards unchanging spots: Long-range comparitive
research as a possible clue to enduring patterns of African
agency (simplified version), PowerPoint-based lunch
seminar, theme group on Agency in Africa, African Studies Centre,
Leiden, 2 December 2003; click
to access the full Internet version of this slide presentation
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003,
The translation of Southern African sangoma divination
towards a global format, and the validity of the knowledge it
produces, paper read
at the symposium World views, Science and Us,
Brussels, Centre Leo Apostel, Free University Brussels, Belgium,
10 June 2003 (click
for details); subsequently published as ch. 7 of: van
Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Intercultural encounters: African and
anthropoloogical lessons towards a philosophy of
interculturality, Berlin/Muenster: LIT
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2003, Rupture
and fusion in the approach to myth (Situating
myth analysis between philosophy, poetics, and long-range
historical reconstruction, with an application to the ancient and
world-wide mythical complex of leopard-skin symbolism)
(PDF) paper to be read at the International Conference
Myth: Theory and the Disciplines, 12 December 2003,
University of Leiden: Research School CNWS (School of Asian,
African, and Amerindian Studies), IIAS (The International
Institute for Asian Studies); and NWO (Netherlands Organisation
for Scientific Research) (click
for abstract)
for the full revised article
as PDF), now in the press in: Merolla, D., ed., Myth and the
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004, Long-range
mythical continuities across Asia and Africa: Linguistic and
iconographic evidence concerning leopard symbolism Round
Table on Myth, Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard
University, Boston, USA, 8-10 May, 2004
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004, The
contemporary manifestation of Deep Structure in Africa,
paper read at: The Concept of Agency in African History: A
workshop on structure and agency in African history, 27
28 May 2004, Leiden, African Studies Centre, Leiden;
convenor: Jan-Bart Gewald (click
here for the full updated slide show (PDF))
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004,
The dynamics of globalisation in Africa: An overview, lecture in the M.A. course
Globalization & Inequality: An Interfaculty Course in
Development Studies (Prof. Louk de la Rive Box), Universiteit
Maastricht, 13th edition 2003-2004, 12 february 2004,
13.00-15.00 hrs
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004, The
underpinning of scientific knowledge systems: Epistemology or
hegemonic power? The
implications of Sandra Hardings critique of North Atlantic
science for the appreciation of African knowledge systems.
paper read at the Department of the Philosophy of Man and
Culture, Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 28
June, 2004.
van Binsbergen, W.M.J., 2004,The
Leopard in the Garden of Eating: From food for thought to thought
for food towards a world history of difference, paper
read at, The Garden of Eating: Experiencing the thought of
Gilles Deleuze in cultural practices, 29 May 2004,
Rotterdam: Faculties of Philosophy / History and Art; convenor:
Rick Dolphijn
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
´Mythological archaeology and the visual arts´, short
presentation, 16 December 2005, participation in the
International Conference on Creation myths and the visual arts
(M. Schipper & Daniela Merolla, convenors), Leiden: National
Museum of Ethnology; at: http://shikanda.net/ancient_models/myth_and_visual_arts/mythical_archaeology_&_visual_arts_December_2005_Leiden_2005.htm
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
Divination through space and time, key note address,
International conference, Leiden, National Museum for Ethnology
(conveners: Philip Peek, Walter van Beek, Jan Jansen, Annette
Schmidt): Realities re-viewed / revealed : Divination in
sub-Saharan Africa Réalités revues / revélées:
Divination en afrique sub-saharienne, July 4 5, 2005;
revised version at: http://www.shikanda.net/ancient_models/divination_keynote_leiden2005/web%20pages/keynote_divination_leiden_2005.htm
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
Globalisation: African agency in the appropriation of
global culture, public lecture, University of Buea, staff
and senior students of the social science faculty, Tuesday 22
March 2005, 11.00-13.30 hrs;
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005, In de
ballingschap van het academische woord: ofwel, scheidingen die
wel mogen blijven, paper gepresenteerd op het symposium
Met drie ogen: Intercultureel doordenken van de
kruisbestuiving tussen westerse filosofie en oosterse
spiritualiteit, georganiseerd door Henk Oosterling en Vinod
Bhagwandin, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 8 april 2005, ter
gelegenheid van het afscheid van Dr Douwe Tiemersma van de
faculteit Wijsbegeerte, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. ; text
at: http://shikanda.net/Nederlands/tiemersma%20semi-def.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
LAfrocentricité et la lutte pour une perspective
africaine sur lhistoire universelle de la culture,
public lecture, Université Catholique de lAfrique
Centrale, Wednesday 16 March 2005, 15.00-18.00 hrs;
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005, La
notion de lhégémonie come concept clé de la philosophie
interculturelle, seminar for graduate students preparing
for the licenciate, Université Catholique de lAfrique
Centrale, Monday 14 March 2005, 11-13.00 hrs;
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
Mythological archaeology: reconstructing humankinds
oldest discourse: A preliminary attempt to situate sub-Saharan
African cosmogonic myths within a long-range intercontinental
comparative perspective, paper for the comparative myth
section of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
Pre-Symposium / 7th ESCA Harvard-Kyoto Roundtable on
Ethnogenesis of South and Central Asia, organised by
RIHN, NIHU / Harvard University, the Department of Sanskrit and
Indian Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 6-8 June, 2005; at: http://www.shikanda.net/ancient_models/mythical_archaeology/mytholog.htm
; revised pre-poublication version also, with a new postscript on
Afrocentrist ideology, February 2006, at: http://www.shikanda.net/ancient_models/mythical_archaeology/kyoto_paper_final_2-2006.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
Potential and Contradictions of the African
Renaissance, public lecture commissioned by AfricAvenir,
Berlin, Germany, 1st December 2005,
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
Quest-ce que cest que la philosophie
interculturelle?, public lecture, Université de Yaounde I,
facultés de philosophie et des sciences sociales, Wednesday 23
March 2005, 14-17.00 hrs;
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005,
Valentin Mudimbe: Dilemmas of universalism and homelessness
-- is it possible to ground our knowledge production as Africans
in our African identity and experience?, public lecture,
Université de Yaounde I, facultés de philosophie et des
sciences sociales, Thursday 24 March 2005, 13-15.00 hrs;
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005, A
major challenge for intercultural philosophy:
9/11 and its aftermath, GRIPh
(Groningen Research Institute of Philosophy) Lecture, Groningen,
1st June, 2005; revised version forthcoming in Quest: An African
Journal of Philosophy; provisional version at: http://www.shikanda.net/general/911asa.htm
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2005, discussant
to the seminar paper ´The moral status of the human embryo, An
African view´, by Professor Geoffrey Tangwa (Head of Philosophy,
University of Yaounde I, Cameroon) at the African Studies Centre,
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2006,
Connections in African knowledge, PowerPoint
presentation, the workshop Connections and transformations
in Africa , African Studies Centre, Leiden, the
Netherlands, 21 November, 2006; available (via http://shikanda.net/knowledge/connecti.htm
) as http://www.shikanda.net/knowledge/CONNECTIONS_IN_AFRICAN_KNOWLEDGE.pdf
; also seminar paper, Theme group on Connection and
Transformations, African Studies Centre, 6 March 2007
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2006,
Further steps towards an aggregative diachronic approach to
world mythology, starting from the African continent, paper
read at the International Conference on Comparative Mythology,
organized by Peking University (Research Institute of Sanskrit
Manuscripts & Buddhist Literature) and the Mythology Project,
Asia Center, Harvard University (Department of Sanskrit and
Indian Studies), May 10-14, 2006, at Peking University, Beijing,
China; in press in: Duan Qing & Gu Zhenkun, eds., Proceedings
of the International Conference on Comparative Mythology,
Beijing; preprint at: http://www.shikanda.net/ancient_models/Further%20steps%20def.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2007,
African wisdom today: Appropriative reification or global
resource?, keynote address, International Symposium
Expressions of tradition wisdom, The Royal Academy
for Overseas Sciences, The Royal museum for Central Africa &
The Royal Museums of Art and History, Friday 28 September, 2007,
Palais des Académies, Brussels, Belgium; for final versions,
see: http://shikanda.net/topicalities/wisdom%20as%20published%20ARSOM_BETTER.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2007,
Experiential anthropology, and the reality and world
history of spirit: Questions for Edith Turner, expanded
version of a contribution to the Symposium Healing and
Spirituality, Research Institute for Religious Studies and
Theology (RST) / Research Institute for Social and Cultural
Research (NISCO), Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands,
Tuesday 30 January 2007; revised version, paper European Council
for African Studies conference, July 2007, Leiden; also at: http://www.shikanda.net/african_religion/questions_for_Edith_Turner.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2007,
Tension between experience and analysis in fieldwork on
African religion, paper read at the symposium Healing
and Spirituality, Research Institute for Religious Studies
and Theology (RST) / Research Institute for Social and Cultural
Research (NISCO), Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands,
Tuesday 30 January 2007
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2007,
Ubuntu and the Globalisation of African Thought and
Society, paper presented at the May 9-13: Confini
(Boundaries) -- Festival della Filosofia, Fondazione Musica per
Roma, Roma, Italy: Round Table on Africa and the concept of
Ubuntu, in the Sala Petrassi, in Renzo Pianos
Auditorium, Roma, 11 May, chair: Prof. Lucio Saviani (professor
of philosophy, Roma University) and Igor Patruno (columnist); for
the gist of the argument, cf.: http://www.quest-journal.net/Quest_2001_PDF/binsbergen.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2007, How
to establish reliable and valid knowledge on the epistemology and
cosmology of a culture different from the researchers
own? Seminar, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan
Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia, August 3, 2007; at: http://www.shikanda.net/topicalities/From%20fieldwork%20to%20cosmology%20and%20epistemology_files/frame.htm
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2007,
Introduction to the Sunda thesis: Claiming extensive pre-
and proto-historic cultural influence from Indonesia upon South
and West Asia, the Ancient Near East, and by extension upon
Africa and Europe, Seminar, Centre for Cultural and
Religious Studies (CCRS), Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan
Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia, August 4, 2007; at: http://www.shikanda.net/topicalities/sunda%20thesis%20Bandung%202007_files/frame.htm
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2007, Out
of Sundaland? A constructive assessment of Oppenheimers
thesis claiming decisive Indonesian prehistoric cultural
influence on West Asia, Africa and Europe, specifically on the
core mythologies of the Ancient Near East and the Bible,
paper read at the 1st Annual Conference of the International
Association for Comparative Mythology, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK,
28-30 August 2007, under the title The Deep History of
Stories; convenors Emily Lyle for The Traditional Cosmology
Society, Edinburgh, and Michael Witzel for the International
Association for Comparative Mythology; original presentation: http://www.shikanda.net/topicalities/edinburgh_best_web/edinburgh_BEST_files/frame.htm
; further details at: http://www.shikanda.net/ancient_models/edinburgh.htm
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2008, The
continuity of African and Eurasian mythologies: As seen from the
perspective of the Nkoya people of Zambia, South Central
Africa, paper read at the 2nd Annual Conference of the
International Association of Comparative Mythology, Ravenstein,
the Netherlands, 19-21 August 2008, full text at: http://iacm.bravehost.com/Binsbergen_Ravenstein_final.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2008, Het
appèl van de Ander: Een eendags cursus in interculturele
filosofie in vier lezingen, Antwerpen: School voor
Comparatieve Filosofie; summary at: http://shikanda.net/topicalities/Appel_Ander.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2009, On
the dynamics of conflict, reconciliation and peace in African
societies from the local to the national level, and
beyond, paper, International Colloquium on The Problematic
of Peace and Development in Africa: Balance Sheet and New Stakes
in the 3rd Millennium (convenor Jr. Prof. Célestin Tagou),
Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations,
Protestant University of Central Africa, Yaounde, Republic of
Cameroon, 6-9 April 2009; final version at: http://shikanda.net/topicalities/paper_2009_Yaounde.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2009,
Izanami giving birth to Kagutsuchi / Fire: Evidence for a
widespread proto-historic cosmology revolving on an elemental
transformative cycle, in Japan, Africa, throughout the Old World,
and in the New World as a step in the world-historic
development of modes of thought, paper presented at the
Third Annual Meeting of the International Association for
Comparative Mythology, Tokyo, Japan, 23-24 May 2009.; available
at: http://www.shikanda.net/topicalities/paper_Japan_final.pdf
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2009,
Introduction a lIslam: Origines, doctrines,
pratiques, accommodations culturelles et enjeux politiques en
Afrique moderne , lecture, Faculty of Theology, Catholic
University of Central Africa, 16 April 2009, 9.00-11.15 hrs
van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2009,
Traditionele Afrikaanse gezondheidszorg en Westerse
gezondheidszorg: Overeenkomsten en verschillen, lezing
SIB-Utrecht, 27 oktober 2009, public lecture, Utrecht Student
Association for International Relations (Utrechtse
Studentenvereniging voor Internationale Betrekkingen.
SIB-Utrecht), Spanish Cultural Centre, Utrecht 27 October 2009;
full powerpoint presentation at: http://shikanda.net/topicalities/Wim%20van%20Binsbergen%20--%20Traditionele%20Afrikaanse%20gezondheidszorg%20en%20Westerse%20gezondheidszorg%20(2009)_files/frame.htm
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