In the context of the preparation for a new research group at the African Studies Centre, Leiden, 2006, Mirjam de Bruijn (theme group leader) and Wim van Binsbergen jointly organised a preparatory conference ‘Connections and transformations in Africa’ (Leiden, African Studies Centre, 21 November 2006), at which Wim van Binsbergen introduced his proposed sub-programme on 'Connections in African knowledge' with an extensive powerpoint presentation:

van Binsbergen, Wim M.J., 2006, ‘Connections in African knowledge’, PowerPoint presentation, the workshop ‘Connections and transformations in Africa’, African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands, 21 November, 2006; also seminar paper, Theme group on Connection and Transformations, African Studies Centre, 6 March 2007 (click for PDF version)

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